West Ridge

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 43.83270°N / 114.5181°W
Additional Information Route Type: Hiking, Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Summer
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Rock Difficulty: Class 3
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This is an alternative route to climb Boulder Peak and Boulder Basin Peak in one shot. From Boulder Basin Peak to Boulder Peak, it is considered class 4 to some, others call it class 3. Just stay on the ridge top the entire time. Once you reach the saddle between the peaks, their are game trails leading to Boulder Peak's summit.

Getting There

Follow Boulder Basin Road into Boulder Basin. Continue on the jeep road past the ruins and several lakes to a location below Boulder Basin Peak.

Route Description

Climb Boulder Basin Peak and then traverse east/southeast over to Boulder Peak on the rugged and rocky ridge. Climb the ridge between Boulder Basin Peak and Boulder Peak. Just stay on the ridge top the entire time. Once you reach the saddle between the peaks, their are game trails leading to Boulder Peak's summit.

Essential Gear

Hinking boots, no ropes or technical gear required.

External Links

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