North Ridge

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 65.61670°N / 18.2167°W
Additional Information Route Type: Hike
Additional Information Time Required: Half a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Walk-up
Sign the Climber's Log


See the Getting There section of the main page for directions to the trailhead.

Route Description

From the parking lot, head east and cross over the fence on the step staircase provided. The trail then bends south and crosses grassy meadows. Once through the grass, the trail will climb up and over the ridge to the east side and then ascend between rock ridges. The trail then flips back right up onto the ridge and climbs to the lower summit.

From the lower summit, follow the ridge down and then across a section filled with sinkholes and cracks. Avoid them! They go down a few meters in spots and would suck to fall in to. Once across that section of the ridge, the trail climbs again up the next peak on the ridge to the true summit of Súlur(called Syðri-Súlur).

Descend the same way. Distance is about 4 kilometers and elevation gain is about 2950 feet. (sorry to mix measuring systems there)

Essential Gear

None needed.

Miscellaneous Info

If you have information about this route that doesn't pertain to any of the other sections, please add it here.



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