House of The Velvet Ash

House of The Velvet Ash

Like other riparian trees of the desert, velvet ash is NOT adapted to an arid climate at all since the leaves have no mechanisms to prevent water loss. If the roots did not have access to permanent moisture, the trees would quickly die. This stream-side habitat represents a final retreat for velvet ash and certain other riparian trees. Several million years ago, during the Tertiary epoch, the region's climate was substantially moister than now. Velvet ash, Fremont cottonwood, netleaf hackberry and Arizona sycamore belonged to a great deciduous forest that blanketed the valleys and hills. Now, forced to survive under extreme conditions, velvet ash is restricted to riversides and stream-beds. This photo was taken along the West Fork of Oak Creek Trail north of Sedona, Arizona.
on Oct 31, 2008 10:11 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery,  Water
Image ID: 459283


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Bill Kerr

Bill Kerr - Oct 31, 2008 10:47 pm - Voted 10/10

Sureal pink rock

Larry -What type of rock is that?


lcarreau - Oct 31, 2008 11:11 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Sureal pink rock

This is Coconino sandstone. When the light
shines a certain way, it glows a fantastic colour.

This rock is also seen at Arizona's Grand Canyon. The Coconino sandstone of the Grand
Canyon consists of petrified sand dunes that were piled up by the wind.

Coconino sandstone is nearly pure quartz in
composition, which actually "catches" the light and assists in its "surreal" coloration.

Larry of AZ

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