From Harrison Flat

Page Type Page Type: Route
Location Lat/Lon: 38.92976°N / 106.49063°W
Additional Information Route Type: Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Summer
Additional Information Time Required: Most of a day
Additional Information Difficulty: Hike+Route Finding
Sign the Climber's Log

Getting There

The trailhead for Peak 13253 ft is the same as the trailhead for Huron Peak. From Buena Vista, drive 15 mile north (or 19 miles south from Leadville) to Clear Creek Reservoir Road (County Road 390). Drive Clear Creek Reservoir Road 11.7 miles to reach the ghost town of Winfield (this is a smooth dirt road passable by any car). In Winfield, turn left and cross the bridge to reach a parking area. You might see signs for Huron Peak Trail. If you have 4WD, you can drive another 2 miles to the end of the road

Route Description

All distances are per my GPS

10250 ft
zero miles
End of 4WD
10550 ft
2.0 miles
Branch to Lake Ann
10820 ft
1.45 miles
Leave Trail
11600 ft
1.7 miles
13253 ft
1.5 miles
6.65 miles

At the 2WD Trailhead, you might see signs for Huron Peak or Lake Ann. Head south and hike the 4WD Road through a forest (In 2 miles the road goes up only 300 ft). The forest will soon end and you will reach a meadow where Granite Mountain appears to the south. After 2 miles, you will reach the end of the road near the abandoned Banker Mine.
North Face
Granite Mountain

At the end of the road you will reach a gate where the trail splits. You will see a sign on the left for Huron Peak Trail. Do not go left. Go straight through the gate. This is the trail to Lake Ann. A registration box will appear after a few feet. Ice Mountain and the Apostles will be seen at the south end of the valley.
Ice Mountain/Apostles
Ice Mtn. & The Apostles

The trail will take you into the eastern branch of the Clear Creek Valley. You will then reach a signed split in the trail. Take the right branch to Lake Ann and cross the stream. The trail will then continue in a pine forest.

You will eventually have to leave trail and bushwhack up the slopes to reach Harrison Flat. If you leave the trail too soon, you will have to deal with the dense forest. A short distance after crossing a sizeable side stream (that drains Lake 12155 ft), at an elevation of 11600 ft, I chose to leave trail (you can leave trail at any spot, the GPS coordinates of where I left trail are 38, 55.418 N 106, 28.071 W). (In its upper portions, Lake Ann Trail became somewhat faint and might have even crossed to the east side of the stream. I knew that I wanted to stay on the west side of the stream. I was able to follow the faint trail to the spot where I left it)

Crossing Stream
Where I left Trail
Where I left trail

Head west and go straight up the slopes. The forest here is thin and ends 150 feet up. As you reach Harrison Flat, Peak 13253 ft comes to view.
Peak 13253 ft
Peak 13253 ft

Continue west on Harrison Flat going past Lake 12155 ft
Peak 13253 ft & Lake 12155 ft
Peak 13253 ft & Lake 12155 ft

Aim for the northeastern ridgeline of Peak 13253 and hike up to reach the summit. The talus was not too bad for me.
Northwestern Summit

Essential Gear

Hiking equipment.



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