Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 63.01000°N / 12.12000°E
Additional Information Elevation: 5780 ft / 1762 m
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I have not climbed this mountain as an adult, but have been here as a child. If you have climbed the mountain and have feelings for it, you may adopt this page. I'd be glad to transfer it to you.

I do consider the mountain worth visiting, since it's a within easy reach alpine wilderness. This is the most southern alpine region of Sweden, approximately 700 km from Stockholm. The mountain area is very popular, since it's close, compared with the arctic mountains up north. There's a mountain station at 1035 meters, and the entire area is well equipped with tracks and huts. Although the altitude isn't very high, the environment looks alpine with sharp ridges, glaciers and distinct summits, it's not the common nice and soft Jämtländian mountains. It's a piece of strict and brutal alpine terrain rising from the nicely rolling bare mountainplateau. This is where the softly rounded Swedish mountains turns into the rugged Norwegian ones.
The first established route among the Swedish alpine mountains is here, the ridgewalk which is part of Syltraversen.
The mountain has several routes and the easiest can be climbed by almost anyone in good shape. It is made up of a ridgeline with 2 valleys almost like a lying E with the main peak in the center. The valleys are Tempeldalen and Slottsdalen, both with glaciers. If you want to climb the whole traverse you will need climbing equipment. Winterclimbing conditions are different, you'll need crampons and rope. It's more popular with ski tours up to the summit in the winter, though.

The Templet looming in the...

Sylarna is an ancient connection point, where the different (hiking) routes from Blåhammaren, Storulvån, Helags, Gåsen and the Norwegian Nedalen och Storerikvollen meet. The closest road is 16 km away, in Storulvån.

Getting There

Östersund is the closest town. It has relatively good connections. Getting there is easy, take the train (SJ) or The flight (SAS) if you prefer faster travelling. You can also chose
Nordic Airlink (link to English on page), which costs about 450 SEK (57 USD) one way.

From Östersund you go by bus (cheap) or taxi (expensive) to Storulvåns Fjällstation or take the train to Enafors, from there by taxi 17 km. Taxi is ordered at phone number 0647 720 07. (Country code to Sweden is 46). The road to Storulvån is by the bare mountain edge and is susceptible to drift snow. If it's windy weather, contact Storulvån before you leave.

From there it is a 20 km hike to Sylarnas Fjällstation, the hut at the base of the mountain.

The ridge between the main...

Red Tape

As everywhere in Sweden and the entire Scandinavia, there is none and you're allowed to walk almost everywhere, it's a free country. Follow the rules of the Allemansrätten.
To bring your dog is fine, but you must either have it in leash or have such a control as it were on a leash. Summertime rule (law).

Slottsdalen with the main...

When To Climb

The best times for summertime climbs is in July to mid September. If you want to climb in winter conditions and ski the best time is mid March to early May. The signature photo shows amount of snow at Easter time.

Slottet, the main peak and...


Sylarnas Fjällstation seen...

Camping is allowed. If you camp close to the hut you pay a small service fee to use the hut's facilities, such as toilets, sauna, showers and kitchen. The fee is around SEK 80.

You can also stay at the Sylarnas Fjällstation, which is one of Svenska Turistföreningen's lodges. The hut has about 90 beds and good accomodations with a nice sauna.

Mountain Conditions

Best information is given by the hut or station at the base .
The weather can change very fast and get very rough. SMHI (weather forecasts) or call Sylarnas Fjällstation, phone 0647-72200.

The pinnacles of Templet at...

Miscellaneous Info

The map on Svenska Turistforeningen's website with their huts and mountain stations marked.

Another popular thing to do in the area is to go on sleddog on tours.

Added info by contributors



Children refers to the set of objects that logically fall under a given object. For example, the Aconcagua mountain page is a child of the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits.' The Aconcagua mountain itself has many routes, photos, and trip reports as children.

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