Stormrider XL Ski


Stormrider XL Ski
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Stormrider XL Ski
Manufacturer Stokli
Page By
Page Type Sep 7, 2007 / Jan 10, 2008
Object ID 3891
Hits 5324

Product Description

In a word, awesome! Hard work though so not for the faint hearted. An above average/advanced skiing ability will help you use this ski to its full potential. A little bit of racing experience in your skiing will help you get the best out of this ski, as it first had a feeling of a full blown GS ski (that will be the Stockli racing pedigree showing through). At first I was not convinced about them being a all mountain ski, the GS feeling it gave me was very pronounced but like the Stockli Snake it grew on me very, very fast.

The ski was able to do snappy short and long turns (longer were easier due to the sidecut). Very stable at speed, lively, responsive and plenty of feedback.

The snow conditions were not great on this day- choppy powder with the hard pack underneath showing where those trendy snowboarders had been sliding down sideways. The Stormrider XL however did not get fazed by the sudden change in snow and gripped without ever feeling like they were going to let go.
Powder was few and far between but on the odd occasion I found it the Stormrider XL performed as expected – stability and balance in scores leaving me with bitterness that any powder fields would be an oasis.
Yet again big thumbs up for the Rolls Royce of ski – Stockli – now back to the racks to what the race models can do.


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