PETT Wag Bag


PETT Wag Bag
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title PETT Wag Bag
Manufacturer Phillips Environmental Products, Inc.
Page By FlatheadNative
Page Type Jun 2, 2008 / Nov 17, 2009
Object ID 5384
Hits 8769

Product Description

The Wag Bag

Bill Phillips is the inventor of the PETT Toilet System.

I met Bill Phillips a number of years ago in Bozeman, MT and he gave me a PETT Toilet System. I have used off and on over the years and its a great product. Really great for family trips and remote camp sites.

What Bill invented has revolutionized the #2 business for a lot of folks including those of us who enjoy taking a great dump in the woods!

Bill's product basically neutralizes human waste into a product that is extremely biodegradable and can easily be left for placement in a landfill.

Bill calls his invention Poo Powder and that is what is found in the WAG BAG. The PETT Site states that "the non-toxic Poo Powder waste treatment treats up to 32 ounces of liquid and solid waste allowing for multiple use. It turns liquid waste to a solid for hygenic and spillproof transport. The Poo Powder waste treatment controls odors and contains a decay catalyst that breaks down solid waste".

Now I still wouldn't want to haul someone else's poo out of the hills but at least it doesn't stink!

For More Information

Visit Phillip's Environmental Products, Inc online.

The crew there has a number of different options for the descerning adventurer such as a tent and an actual toilet that hold the WAG bag. All you really need is the WAG BAG to be a happy climber.

have a great climb and remember its okay to do it in the woods when you have a PETT WAG BAG.

The Wag Bag can be ordered on-line and also can be found at many quality outdoor stores.



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rhyang - Jun 6, 2008 12:37 pm - Voted 5/5

Civilized alternative
If you have ever climbed a Cascade volcano and been issued a 'blue bag' or the 'Mt. Shasta human waste packout system', then you will like these.

They are light weight, come with hand sanitizer and a small amount of toilet paper, and secure. I usually pack a few of these for Shasta instead of the USFS-issued packout bags. After use I do still prefer to put them in a trash compactor bag for the hike out though.

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