Doval Wire D


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Doval Wire D
Manufacturer Omega Pacific
Page By bbense
Page Type Jul 16, 2003 / Jul 16, 2003
Object ID 9433
Hits 1105

Doval Wire D
by Omega Pacific, Inc

At 37gm, the Doval is a featherweight (shave pounds off your rack by trading up!) and the Ovalized-D frame means you can stack them and reverse the gates just like on ovals and regular D's. With over 25mm of gate clearance, it's a perfect clipping carabiner. The wide rope-bearing surface is a true radius, which means there aren't any flat spots in the interior to wreck your ropes. Finally, an all-mountain wiregate. Versatile, functional and affordable.


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bbense - Jul 18, 2003 5:14 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
I really like these 'biners. IMHO, they only have one drawback, a 7kn open gate strength. In a wiregate 'biner, I think that's barely acceptable. I would think twice about using a standard gate biner with that rating. Wiregates are much less susceptible to "gate lash".

That caveat out of the way, these 'biners are a great replacement/substitute for the standard D's and ovals on your rack. They weight next to nothing and do everything that a standard biner does. Carabiner brakes, anchors and aid climbing... They'd be a great way to drop a few pounds from your aid rack and the price is quite reasonable.

miztflip - Nov 28, 2004 2:54 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
I love these biners, these are the workhorses of my rack. They are easy to clip in tight situations and I've had no trouble with them icing up.

Lightweight, well built and CHEAP.

As the other review stated, the open gate load is low but that also one reason for using wiregates over standard. They do not open as easily during falls.

Erik Beeler - Nov 29, 2004 2:34 pm - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
Nice biner, strong for its weight. Wire gate is good for both lower weight and less gate lash. Decent for a utility biner due to its "D" shape and decent sized gate opening.

Down side is the lack of a key lock instead of the hook lock it uses. Trad gear cables usually will find a way to get stuck in there.

A good biner but not the only one to put on your rack there are much lighter biners with the same strength and others that weight less with a key locking wire gate.

Dow Williams - Jun 12, 2005 11:46 am - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
I switched to this biner for utility uses...strongest-lightest weight ratio I could find...good opening...had my gear stolen in Vegas, and switching out to these from regular old biners lightened my rack...nothing getting caught on the gate when I use them...cheers

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