Android Leash


Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Android Leash
Manufacturer Black Diamond
Page By Erik Beeler
Page Type Nov 25, 2003 / Nov 25, 2003
Object ID 886
Hits 5766
Technical leash to match the performance of your technical ice axe

Android features a quick-release mechanism to detach the wristloop from the leash for fast protection placement

Wide wristloop cuff is lightly padded for non-constricting support

Fully adjustable--for all climbers, in all applications


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Erik Beeler - Nov 25, 2003 8:43 am - Voted 4/5

Untitled Review
Really like this leash system. Getting out of the leash is easy just reach up and pinch the clasp and you are free.

Getting back in is a bit harder but with a little practice is not distracting or draining. One imporant thing to do is get the leash length right. Too short and you have a really hard time getting the clasp back into your hand where you can pinch it. Too long and you can't hang on your leashes. I have found that I am best able to get the leash back into my hand by letting it fall in between my in dex and middle finger and pinching it with them instead of my thumb and index finger.

Might sound complicated or difficult but it really is not.

There are two versions of this leash, one for all ice tools other than the Viper and the Viper Android which bolts directly to the Viper.

I would recommend using a rubber band or some other device to hold the axe side of the clasp down to make it easier to reclip.

JScoles - Nov 25, 2003 3:59 pm - Voted 5/5

Untitled Review
As far as replacement clipper type leashes go these are by far the best ones on the market but I think these are actually the only ones now on the market now that DMM no longer make theirs.

The key to these leashes is getting them adjusted exactly to you and your climbing style this can take some time to do. Once you got the bugs out of them they really rock and will actually improve your climbing style. Allowing you to hang a little more comfortably

than your typical slider or clincher type leash.

Add to this how and quickly escaping your tools for one arm leash-less like climbing moves or placing screws etc. As well they do not cut off the blood suply to your fingers and are less painfull if you happe to put all your weight on them.

They unclip and clip quite easily and I have yet to have one come undone on me (though I have heard of this happening). I like the all metal construction as I have seen plastic ones shatter in extreme cold.

The attachment system is good by not great you have to be careful how far down your tool you place the clipper. Too far up and it is hard to clip and unclip too far down you cannot use the leash when you use your tool as an alpine axe.

If you are useing you tool only for Ice climbing then place the clipper lower it can really help on steep or overhanging ice.

A finer point is the lease becomes almost an extension of your tool as you get very good feedback with this leash. I have used some clipper types that attach via a wire or cable swedge and they wobble about as you swing and this made me wonder sometimes if the placement was bomber or not. With the Android I can always tell if the stick was good.

If your don’t have the bucks for a pair of the new leash-less tools yet, then upgrade you leashes to these and you can still get a good feel of what leash-less is all about.

Steve Larson - Jan 22, 2007 10:35 pm - Voted 4/5

Easy in, easy out, but...
I've found that getting in and out of these leashes is a breeze, even when slightly gripped or tired. But having the clipper flopping around from your wrist while placing screws is a major pain. I've also found that they rotate on my wrist while working with pro, so I have to reposition them sometimes to get clipped back in. Maybe someone else who has used these longer than I have will tell me how to avoid this. I've only used them up to WI4, so I don't know how deeply I care about this "feature". It's been an annoyance so far, and the ability to quickly get free of my tools outweighs the drawback.

Jeroen Vels - Dec 11, 2007 2:34 pm - Hasn't voted

I agree...
with Steve here about the fact that it's rather annoying when you place a screw that the leashe gets stuck behind the screw. This is especially so when in dire straits.
I also find it sometimes difficult to re-attache while wearing thick gloves.
But other than that it all works like it's supposed to. Won't leave home without it.

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