Cragaholic’s Dream, 5.10+

Cragaholic’s Dream, 5.10+

5th Pitch- 55m- 5.9/ This is the best pure crack pitch I have climbed in Cochise to date. Move to the left and come back right across an easy slab to the finger crack. Delicately place small gear to avoid stealing finger locks and walk the crack up. Eventually solid hand jams come into play and then the crack opens wide, but via easy ground. If you extend this pitch to near the end of your ropes, you will find a comfortable medium to small gear belay on a sloping ledge. Cragaholic’s Dream, 5.10+, 6 Pitches, Squaretop, Cochise Stronghold, Arizona, November, 2012
Dow Williams
on Dec 10, 2012 12:02 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 829253


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