The Watzmann group seen from the north

The Watzmann group seen from the north

Watzmannfrau (2307m) on the left, the Watzmann "children" in the middle, and the Grosser Watzmann, with 2713 meters height Germany's second highest mountain, on the right. This year's alpine summer will start late, due to all the cold and rainy weather (plus floods!!) we've had throughout most of May and June! Usually, the normal easy way up Watzmann - clearly visible on the photo - is completely dry already middle of June. This photo I shot from Berchtesgaden on July 2nd!
on Jul 4, 2013 11:18 am
Image ID: 855358


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PAROFES - Jul 13, 2013 8:12 am - Voted 10/10

I am so late

on my voting rotine in SP photos that I just can't keep up, and I end up missing wonders like this...
Fantastic colours, lights, and the good looking Watzmann Eric...
Sorry I got her too late!
Cheers friend


EricChu - Jul 14, 2013 4:57 am - Hasn't voted

Re: I am so late

Thanks a lot Paulo - it's never too late! :-) I'm a bit of a rare guest myself lately on SP...

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