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CameronGround - Feb 22, 2012 4:33 am - Hasn't voted

Great TR

That evening I was wandering around in the middle of the valley around sunset and a while after taking photos, and as I started walking back to my car I noticed a headlamp proceeding down the lower reaches of the mountain at what had to have been much faster than hiking pace. I assumed somebody had used a bike to make the Telescope ascent a bit quicker, and thought that was a pretty good idea. Whaddya know.

Great TR and accomplishment, hope to replicate your feat one of these days, and will keep the bike option in mind.


tk421 - Feb 22, 2012 10:09 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Great TR

Ha! Small world.

As long as you're gaining elevation using your own power, I don't discriminate against using a bike. I read more than one TR of people complaining about the "long boring walk" up the road and that they would skip it if they did the hike again. Biking that road by moonlight/bike lights was pretty fun.


lcarreau - Feb 24, 2012 8:51 pm - Voted 10/10

Re: Great TR

Yeah, but you gotta watch out for wildlife.

In 1994, I was riding my bicycle in Sequoia NP, and I almost hit
a bear shortly after the sun went down. Gotta be bear aware !

Matt Lemke

Matt Lemke - Feb 22, 2012 3:52 pm - Hasn't voted


Seems like the day after I get back from climbing something no matter where it is there is someone elses TR featured on SP of the same mountain. I just climbed Telescope a couple days ago on Presidents day. A little more snow than you had but still only a few inches. What a dry year...and a gorgeous summit view!

Norma R

Norma R - Feb 24, 2012 2:17 am - Hasn't voted


Excellent job taking the SW2T hike 2 steps further with the bike approach and the full descent. Very nice for you that your IT band survived as well. I stopped at The Barker Ranch in 2007 on a trip through Goler Wash over Mengel Pass and into Butte Valley. I even followed others into the bathroom where authorities found Charlie inside the sink cabinet. It was nothing short of creepy. Personally, i was glad to hear that it burnt down. I much prefer to hear of contributions of men like Shorty or Manly or you in the history of Death Valley.


Snowslydder - Feb 24, 2012 11:41 pm - Hasn't voted

Great post

Great hike I like that peak a lot.


burtch07 - Mar 26, 2012 5:02 pm - Voted 10/10


I just did this hike on saturday and there was more snow but it wasnt too bad until about 500 ft from top. I have even more respect for yer trip after doing the hiking trail, yer a str8 beast!!


TripoliRick - Oct 27, 2012 3:21 am - Hasn't voted

Brought back memories

I enjoyed reading your trip report, the pictures brought back memories of my climb from -282 out on the salt flats to the top and back in 1985. I remember when planning the climb that hiking on the road up the aluvial fan would be the easiest part of the hike but when I actually was doing it it seemed like the hardest, who actually does a long climb by walking miles on a perfectly good road that one could drive (or bike) on that, as you say, would be "cutting out most of the knee-pounding descent." Not getting any sleep also made for a very long day.


TripoliRick - Oct 27, 2012 3:38 am - Hasn't voted

Top 100 Prominences in lower 48

I agree, starting from the valley floor it is over 11,000'.

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