Sergio and I descended the...

Sergio and I descended the...

Sergio and I descended the West Ridge (down is away from the camera here; Sergio is just posing for me). Exposure is only high for about 50 feet where the West Ridge comes up against the summit's NW buttress. The rest is class 3 to the rappel anchors, of which there are three single-rope raps. Corteo Peak and Black Peak are in the distance; Porcupine Creek is down on the right. Photo taken Sept. 6, 2003.
on Sep 16, 2003 7:10 pm
Image ID: 28150


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mvs - Feb 8, 2006 5:47 pm - Voted 10/10

nice shot

It looks hazy, were there fires around?


Klenke - Feb 9, 2006 12:24 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: nice shot

Yes, very smoky that day. A forest fire had just flared up behind Tower Mountain. So when we got to the top of Cutthroat this is what we saw:

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