Routes to Gabietos

Routes to Gabietos

The three posibilities to climb Gabietos. The easiest are from Breche de Roland-collado Blanco (F) and Ordesa-Carriata (F but longest). The descent across the S.W. face of Taillon (P.D.inf.) is hardest. The image was taken in august of 2008, with a lot of snowfalls on June, but generally the snow is not present on July and August and it's not necessary the use of crampons. We used crampons this day at the two areas with snow from collado Blanco because the fall is long to the bottom and the slope is 30º to left side. Aug 3, 2008.
Rafa Bartolome
on Aug 5, 2008 4:23 am
Image Type(s): Topo/Diagram,  Informational
Image ID: 428500


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