Ringtail Cat

Ringtail Cat

More for the story than the photo. We were rapping off of Johnny Vegas when a group meeting us at the top of the first pitch told us they watched a ringtail cat make off with our lunch at the base of the route. This is its faint paw print. Middle of the day. This ringtail no doubt has learned to live on climber stashes over the years. We will be more careful in the future. My wife is used to keeping our stow bag open for bears in the Canadian Rockies so they can just steal your lunch versus tearing your bag apart at the base of a climb. Still, the lunch bag itself was quite large. He took the whole bag, went into the small cave below Johnny Vegas and sorted through it a little, left a few things behind there and then took off with it again. Hope he survived that Snickers bar alright. Assumed he/she has learned what and how much of this human crap they can consume at one sitting. Johnny Vegas, Red Rocks, NV, January, 2008
Dow Williams
on Jan 4, 2008 1:54 pm
Image Type(s): Wildlife
Image ID: 370421


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