Raptor, 5.10b, 9 Pitches

Raptor, 5.10b, 9 Pitches

8th Pitch- 30m- 5.10a/ I led the first pitch, which is suppose to be the crux, but I thought this little roof was just as difficult. With a pack sometimes one’s vision is skewed. I have heard of someone carrying a #3 camelot for the roof pull but I don’t see the need for it. You swing out wide left past several bolts, the last one of which you want to double sling or not clip all together to avoid rope drag. Move back to directly below the small roof above. There is not much of anything to grab on top of it, so it is best to work up the right or left side. I think the published topo shows left, however we took it on the right. Either way it is a grunt with a pack on. Continue on easier ground past three more bolts to the station above. Raptor, 5.10b, 9 Pitches, EEOR (East End of Mount Rundle), Canadian Rockies, July, 2008
Dow Williams
on Jul 10, 2008 8:52 pm
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 420041


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