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Sierra Climbing


Posted by DustysDawg on Mar 22, 2006
Page Views: 1968

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
City or Place: Sierra
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


I am looking for partners to climb stuff in the Sierra. There are tons of routes I would like to climb, and I am always up for an adventure. Check out my profile page for a list of climbs I am interested in.
Some things I am looking for in a partner:
1. Can lead 5.8
2. Wants adventure
3. Doesn't have a lot of baggage
4. Isn't always broke


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Most climber are always broke, it's the nature of the beast....
Posted Sep 6, 2006 9:08 pm

mlrosesfstill up for it?


ok i am totally NOT broke and have my own car, gas, food, beer money
Totally willing to trade for getting out on the granite this summer because i can't lead but still want to get some climbs in. i have experience following both sport and trad in yosemite and just need to hit the granite. what do you think>?
Posted May 18, 2009 2:23 am

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