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Rainier, 2015


Posted by Jmoeesq on Sep 26, 2014
Page Views: 758

Activity Details

Dates: Jun 1, 2015 through Sep 1, 2015
Location: Washington, United States
City or Place: Rainier, Mount
Skill Level: Intermediate
Categories: Ice Climbing, Mountaineering
Partner Status: Need Partners


I'm interested in going to Rainier in the summer of 2015. The Muir/DC route would be my preferred choice. My ideal plan would be to await a good weather forecast at the foot of the mountain, probably somewhere like Whittaker's Bunkhouse, and go for the summit in a fairly alpine style push, probably leaving very early morning from Paradise, going to Muir, crashing for a few hours in the shelter and then setting out for a summit bid around midnight, returning back to Paradise thereafter. I'd want to make sure potential climbing partners were in excellent shape and capable of climbing fast and consistently

I attempted Rainier in 2011, camping at Muir, awaiting a good weather window for a few days, only to get turned around high on the DC due to high winds after giving up on waiting for ideal weather. In retrospect, I wish we'd done something more like what I detail above, reducing the weight of our loads and going faster/lighter. Camping at length in snow and altitude is really not that much fun for me anymore.

As for resume--I climbed on Denali back in 2010 with AAI, gaining the high camp (17200) and spending 5 days tent-bound in whiteouts only to run out of time, being forced to retreat, still in less than favorable conditions. I have completed the general mountaineering course required for Denali as well as an ice climbing course. I enjoy rock climbing as well and have done some single pitch lead stuff, having rock climbed on and off for the last 15 years.

Ideally, I'd like to find at least 2 guys interested in going to Rainier with somewhat flexible schedules which could be adjusted for weather. It would be ideal if those interested lived closed enough to Western NC where I'm located that we could get together for some climbing before the trip to make sure our styles meshed. I say guys only b/c I'm married, and while my wife puts up with a lot with my climbing, I don't believe she'd approve of a trip to Rainier w/ another woman! :-) I say at least two additional partners because I found a rope team of only two people on Rainier the last time to feel a little riskier than I'd prefer. On a glacier or high on the DC, a slip by one in all likelihood would mean a fall by both in my opinion.

Let me know if there's any interest or questions.



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I may be up for this trip ... depends on whether or not i head down to ECUADOR in 2015 ... i should know more about my status and availability within a few months.

Are you booking the trip through a guide service or securing permits on your own?

Feel free to email me personally
Posted Oct 8, 2014 5:15 pm



I would love to climb rainier. I live near Seattle and climbed Mt Baker with AAI last summer. That is my only mountaineering experience, but I am taking a 12 day course with AAI early next summer. After that I should have the basic knowledge needed to climb without a guide. I have all the gear and am in tip top shape. You're plan sounds ideal, as it doesn't seem like a difficult route so we could travel fast.

If you're up for considering a young-yang let me know.

Matt Q
Posted Dec 4, 2014 12:24 pm



WOuld be interested in speaking with you. I live near Durham.
Posted Feb 2, 2015 1:23 pm

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