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Need someone to help me out


Posted by mapfeiffer on Dec 28, 2006
Page Views: 2151

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: California, United States
City or Place: San Francisco
Skill Level: Beginner
Categories: Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Everyone has to start somewhere. Me: I started indoor climbing this year. I can usually handle up to a Mission Cliffs indoor 10b, but am looking to start climbing outside. I spent Christmas in Joshua but the dude that was supposed to lead didn't show.

I will be a great donkey for you. Carry your things in exchange for learning, or whatever the beginner hazing technique is. I probably buy you beer afterwards.

I am also looking to expand into intro to mountaineering. I went up about 15 of the 14,000 ft. peaks in Colorado while I was living there, but didn't do anything more than class 3.

I am a 9-5er, weekends free. Drop me a line if you can donate some of your knowledge.


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emilieneed indoor climbing partner


hey there, i'm looking for an indoor climbing partner (mission cliffs) and maybe mountaineering training hikes in the bay area. i am a 5.10 climber in the gym and have a bunch of stuff planned out doors. if you don't watch out, i will talk your ear off about mountaineering. drop me a line via summitpost.
-emilie :-)
Posted Jan 24, 2007 12:40 am

SheetsUp for climbing in Yosemite/High Sierra?


I'm trying to get out to the Valley most weekends to climb but often in need of a partner. If you're interested I have a long list of climbs I want to get up, both in YNP and the High Sierra. If you want to climb, drop me a pm or email.

Posted Mar 12, 2007 6:08 pm

mow10I love belay slaves


If you check my profile out you will note I do lead for food. I have 15 yrs climbing experience and have done a bit of guiding. Teaching comes naturally to me, if you want to learn and really are motivated to get out I could probably donate lots of knowledge. We are semi neighbors and if you would like to meet for a gym session or some climbing on the Sonoma Coast let me know. I am usually free to get out on weekends.
Posted Mar 20, 2007 6:04 am

rlshattuckbelay what?


I've been backpacking for many years and think I have a handle on that one, but I am trying to get out into the snow more often. the only real knowledge I can impart is, ever hear of common sense and fear––they work great.

Anyway, if you have any interest in post-holing your way through the sierra or thereabouts, let's talk. thanks.
Posted Jan 21, 2008 7:36 pm

undergroundStill available?


Are you still looking for climbing partners? I am too, and I also have a pretty flexible schedule, so contact me and maybe we can meet up. I'm out in Berkeley, and enjoy climbing with people at all levels.
Posted Sep 26, 2008 6:13 pm

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