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Looking for future partner/teammate


Posted by axelandr on Sep 28, 2008
Page Views: 3222

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: France
City or Place: Paris
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Categories: Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


I'm looking for a climbing-partner and future teammate to build a relationship and together plan and organize our own outings/expeditions.
Having tried, and felt somewhat "lonely", on a commercial expedition, I would rather build a lasting relationship with someone, and go climbing often with this/these persons. I also think organizing is half the fun, so I would like to plan my(our) next major climb for myself, and see how this works compared to a commercial operator.
Denali or Aconcagua might be likely objects for such a task.
(Ama Dablam is also on the wishlist, but himalayan climbs seems to need a bit more experience.)

I live in Paris, but I'm norwegian, so either the Alps or Norway is places to meet up.



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IslandTravellerWhy not?


Sure - this does not sounds too bad (if you could withstand a "svenske gutte"). The difficulty might be the timing for such irregular climbs - I have difficult to offer more than 2 weeks/year on expedition climbing.
Not very experienced in technical climbing - I am currently aiming at altitude. I would be interested in making a third bash on Elbrus or why not South America (more "expensivish" travel though...)? Not fond of commercial expeditions myself - could be an initial help with the paperwork though (read: Elbrus).

Norway is fine as it is close - February on Galdhöpiggen was nice. :-)
Posted Sep 30, 2008 4:50 pm

LT89Likewise looking for a partner


I'm in the same situation as you. Although I have partners to climb with at (rare) occasions, they are't ambitous to get out into the world, and climb outside the Alps. I would love to see and climb more of the world, and would really love to climb Aconcagua and Mc Kinley, as well as other mountains in the Andes and in the Himalyas, in the future. I would much prefer to build a good climbing relationship and partner up for bigger projects, than joining commerical expeditions. I would also like to partner up for climbs in the Alps during holidays, to stay in shape and as a way of training for future climbs.

I planned on doing Elbrus somewhere early in the summer of '09, to see how I handle an altitude of 5600 meters, as Mt. Blanc has only been the highest mountain I've climbed up till now. I also plan on going to the Alps for two weeks during the oncoming winter, as well as during spring and summer, as a way to get in shape(together with cycling and fitness) do give Denali or Aconcagua a try, during summer '09. So if you would want to partner up, I'd love to form a team, we both share the same ambitions which is already a good thing! We could do some climbing in the mean time to get to know each other, and possibly give Denali or Aconcagua a try together, next summer. Just let me know what you think of it, and when you would have some spare time to go climbing. Cheers,

Posted Oct 2, 2008 2:11 pm

chrismarq1Ice Climbing in Norway?


Hi, I'm a young german alpine climber, who's looking for a climbing partner to do some ice climbs around Rjukan before christmas. i'm studing in england and just discovered amazingly cheap flights to oslo. I have been mainly climbing in Peru and Bolivia on routes upto TD. if your interested in ice climbing give me a shout!
Posted Nov 2, 2008 8:33 pm

Fabrice.RimlingerParis ...


Hi Alexandr,

I am in Paris too.
I am training every week end in Fontainebleau for the next trip to the Andes, and go down to Chamonix when I can with friends... Let's have a bier one of these days... just send me a mail : fabrice.rimlinger at gmail.com
Posted Nov 11, 2008 2:27 pm



Hi Alex and others

I'm a student in Fontainebleau from South Africa and looking for a climbing partner here in France. Anything from Ice, Alpine and rock (not too good at leading on Rock)I have climbed Ac and give you some logistical tips.
Posted Dec 13, 2008 6:55 pm

DuckyVermont, US
Hi, I'd like to do Denali and Elbrus. I feel good about Elbrus, think Denali might be a bit of a stretch for me unguided.
Posted Jan 11, 2009 1:13 am

HellmuthStuvenAconcagua is easy!!


You do NOT need a guide - even not mules to carry your luggage - for Aconcagua. I did it in 7 days from Santiago and back (ok, I was brougth up above 3.000 m as a child and was a long distance runner then - now a rower), and did the summit even before my partner came up (the 3th. had to turn back at 6800 m)

The normal route is veeeeery aesy. Just make sure of your aclimatization and gear. And get first to the refuge still intact at 5995 m - it has space for 3, maximum 4.

Trust me: You can do it all on yourself. In need of answers to any questions and pictures of the route needed, just ask(-:

On the last day I wnet from 5995 m to the summit and then all the way back to Confluencia at 3200 m (carrying two dammed heavy backpacks......arrgggh!)

Now I am going to Ojos del Salado, 6893 m in July. Walkning from Argentina.

Hellmuth Christian Stuven
Roskilde, Denmark
Posted May 2, 2009 8:08 am

AlexheatonLondon climber


I feel the same as you having been in jagged globe/ adventure peaks expiditions. id like to meet some other people to climb with anywhere in the world.

My mountaineering experience is (Alpine D-TD Scottish Grade 3 Rock S-VS) I have climbed in the alps / Himalaya sections of very steep snow and ice at angles over 50 degrees with steep steps. Rock sections up to VD.

Alex Heaton
Camden, London, UK.
Posted May 6, 2009 7:48 am



Hi, I also live in Paris.
Have you got any plan to climb in the Alps either in July or September?
Let me know on summitpost or write me to silviosparano73@yahoo.it

Posted May 29, 2009 12:33 pm

yuredingI'm up for Aconcagua too


I also think planning/logistics is half the fun. I have never used a guide and I don't regret it! Let me know if you're up for climbing Aconcagua in the winter of 2010-2011.
Posted Jul 17, 2009 5:21 pm



Im kagan..Im 21 years old..Im climbing for about 8 years..

Im living in hannover..im studing in hannover too

Sometimes i want to climbing in alps Mountains at the weekends...
I can come to there from hannover

I climbed Peak Lenin( 7134m) Pamir Mountains ,Damavand in winter (5670m) in Iran und Ararat (5137m) In Turkey in winter and Summer

If you want to climbing with me,you can send a mail me..

take care

Posted Aug 9, 2009 10:07 am

Silvio1973Are you up next we?


I'd like to climb next we either in the Ecrin, Vanoise or Mont Blanc. Would you be available?

Silvio (silviosparano73@yahoo.it)
Posted Sep 3, 2009 8:25 am

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