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Cho Oyu fall 2016 or spring 2017

kevin trieu

Posted by kevin trieu on Mar 31, 2016
Page Views: 479

Activity Details

Dates: Sep 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017
Location: Nepal
City or Place: Kathmandu
Skill Level: Advanced
Categories: Mountaineering
Partner Status: Want Partners



I'm currently in the planning stages for Cho Oyu for the fall of 2016 or spring 2017 from the Tibet side. I have done a good amount of research on the climb and decided to go for Base Camp service only with one of the following logistic companies:
1. http://www.summitclimb.com/new/default.asp?vid=84
2. http://www.sevensummittreks.com/packages/Cho-Oyu-89.html

Both have good reputation for base camp service. The cost will be between USD 5,000-7,000 from Kathmandu to Kathmandu. I'll go with the cheaper outfitter.

I plan to follow a similar schedule to that of International Mountain Guides found here: http://www.mountainguides.com/cho-oyu-itin.shtml.

I plan to climb with no oxygen and no Sherpa support. I have previously made the summit of Manaslu, another 8,000m peak without oxygen in 2012, a couple of 7,000m peaks and a bunch of other mountains around the world. I spent 7 months in Nepal on my last trip and is fairly familiar with the country. I'm looking for a partner with similar experiences. Ideally you would have climbed an 8,000m peak.

Give me a shout if you are an independent climber and don't want to pay a boat load of cash to climb an 8,000m peak. You must also love Dal-Bhat. This is not an option.



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