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Alps: looking for a partner


Posted by JoGe on Sep 2, 2009
Page Views: 1185

Activity Details

Date: Anytime
Location: Switzerland
City or Place: Matterhorn
Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Categories: Hiking, Ice Climbing, Mountaineering, Rock Climbing
Partner Status: Want Partners


Hey, I would be interested to make contact with someone for the next summer(s) in the Alps. I turn 18 next July and have some mountaineering experience. I have been hiking together with my family for about the last 12 years. Four years ago I became interested in higher altitudes, harder climbs and general "real" mountaineering. I took part in a youth-course in the year 2007 for mountaineering. It was organized by the Austrian Alpenverein.

This summer I took part in an advanced "high-altitude routes" course for adults and learned a lot about glacier, snow and ice climbing.

A overview of my skills and "achievements":

+ have a good condition: hikes and climbs 12+ hours (with 2000+ meters elevation gain) are within my safe limits
+ indoors I have climbed climbs rated over 8 UIAA
+ have lead a 7- UIAA indoors
+ tried ice-climbing this summer - I climbed a short pitch with over 90 degree angled ice
+ know basic crevasse rescue and self-arrest
+ highest summit: 3770meters (Wildspitze) - did not feel the altitude at all
+ have set up belay - stations in ice
+ organized a hiking trip with two friends to Sweden (Kungsleden and Kebnekaise) when I was 15 - carried 30 kgs for the first four days with 15 -20 km per day
+ I tried some free solo climbing - I felt 200 % sure of course: I do not like to take unnecessary risks
+ Have no problem with exposure and have a good balance.
+ Did my first via ferrata this summer solo. It was rated "Hard" - the Imster Klettersteig

What I would need to learn:

- setting up belay stations in rock
- placing pro in rock
- definitely need a day spent on training crevasse rescue
- do not know what maximum difficulties I can climb outdoors
- more practice on ice-climbing and leading ice-climbs

What plans for next summer:

Any summit over 4000 meters, specifically I would like to try:

Mount Blanc,

All of these I would naturally only try the standard routes, with someone more experienced I would not mind trying something harder after two-three standard routes (or whatever s/he would feel appropriate). I am also intrested in (bigger) walls in the Dolomites.

I am basically looking for any sort of partner with any level of skill interested in teaming up for not only one summer. The languages I speak fluently are German, English and Finnish. Swedish is quite fluent and French should be. French is perhaps my weakest language at the moment.

Please contact me at the following e-mail address: jg.chogori[ at ]gmail.com


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granitepeakerMatterhorn & Eiger


I'm planning on climbing the matterhorn and maybe the eiger between july 31 and august 5th. I don't have any partners yet.
Posted Feb 3, 2010 5:05 pm

PeterDarmadyAdventure Mischabel


Planning Nadelgrat +dom 4 -9 July. Apartner could be an asset!
Posted May 3, 2010 6:31 am

LawrencePiz badile


Hi This is Lawrence, I need a partner for Piz badile. I onsight 11.d on trad, ive climbed in the Bugaboos[all along the watchtower 12a], Indian creek, Yosemite [astroman as an example]. Now iam looking for someone for hard long trad routes-thinking of Piz badile or Val di Mello.
I will be driving to Swizerland in a few days.
Whad do you think??

my email; capn_crash@hotmail.com

Posted Jun 9, 2010 7:25 am


I will be in Switzerland from July till middle September 2011. Am keen for some mountaineering - grades PD/AD. Looking for some fun and adventure. Drop me an email if you are interested and we can chat about plans ect.. Cheers Darren dpshepo@hotmail.com
Posted Jun 21, 2011 12:15 am

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