Panorama of Magerstein and Schneebiger Nock

Panorama of Magerstein and Schneebiger Nock

I've just started hiking from the Kasseler Hütte to the Barmer Hütte, planning to bag Lenkstein along the way as I'm looking back at the mountains I climbed yesterday. From the Kasseler Hütte (not visible, but located below and right of Tristennöckl) I went up Magerstein, then traversed the ridge to Schneebiger Nock and came down the north ridge. It was a fine day! For an annotated version, click here. 2 August 2014.
on Apr 22, 2015 1:22 pm
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing,  Scenery,  Panorama
Image ID: 936769


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