Williams Screw Lock Carabiner


Williams Screw Lock Carabiner
Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Williams Screw Lock Carabiner
Manufacturer Petzl
Page By Augie Medina
Page Type Feb 16, 2009 / Feb 16, 2009
Object ID 5889
Hits 2426

Product Description

This is a large pear-shaped carabiner whose size makes it perfect for belaying and rappelling with the Munter hitch with single or double ropes and for anchoring multiple ropes and slings.

Product Details

Weight: 90g

Principal materials: aluminum alloy

Breaking strength: Major axis-25kN
Open gate -7kN

Gate opening: 25mm

Locking system: manual [also available with auto-locking systems (Ball-Lock and Triact-Lock)]

Keylock system

Red warning indicator

Retail price: $13.95



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Augie Medina - Feb 16, 2009 5:18 pm - Voted 5/5

Great Large Locker

This is a very nice large locker. Allows lots of room for Italian hitch operation for belaying and rappelling. A must have for canyoneering for occasions when you need lots of space within your locking ‘biner to do whatever. It may be just my imagination, but the locking sleeve on the manual locking system seems to work more smoothly than most. One quick twist with thumb or finger and you’re unlocked.

asaking11 - Jun 29, 2009 2:43 am - Voted 5/5

Good Carabiner
The lock on this carabiner is such a smooth twist, and so simple to use at those awkward belay stations. One of my favorite carabiners.

mattsim - Mar 15, 2010 7:31 pm - Hasn't voted

a great big locker
I've owned a pair of these with the ball-lock for over a decade. Practically every time I go out I have at least one on my harness. The biners look like they have endured years of use and they still work perfectly. The autolock is very easy to open one handed and it can swallow the largest knot or mass of rope in a single gulp.

The downside is that they're a bit heavy.

I've had a few opinionated climbers tell me how unsuitable the ball lock mechanism is in freezing temperatures, "Don't take that on Rainier, it'll ice up." So I always ask them, "Well, it hasn't happened on any of my trips to Rainier, Baker, or.... Has it happened to you?" The answer is always no. Somewhere in my climbing community is someone(s) with a megaphone and without the common sense to oil his biners. Or I'm just lucky.

Once a year I lube all my biners with Boeshield T-9, a 'corrosion shield & waterproof lubricant'. It works as good on my biners as it does on my bike chain, wonderfully.

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