

Page Type Gear Review
Object Title Poly-Hex
Manufacturer Altitude Equipment
Page By desainme
Page Type Dec 14, 2003 / Dec 14, 2003
Object ID 930
Hits 6409

Over two years ago Altitude Equipment commenced research and development on POLY-HEX the worlds lightest Hex , with a prototype being displayed at Escalade 97 . Since April 97 countless POLY-HEXS of various formulas and designs have been destruction tested, the results always viewed with the intention of giving climbers the ultimate Hex without compromising safety. With this in mind, thousands of man hours have been put into producing the worlds first plastic Hex . It is with great excitement that Altitude Equipment release for sale POLY-HEX , which is certainly a new generation of protection . ( Possibly the greatest development in a decade)

POLY-HEX has been designed to replace the old aluminium Hex, with a product that is not just lighter but is easier to use .This has been achieved by using a specially formulated plastic, which provides strength and a better grip to the surface . With plastic comes the ease of colour coded sizes that don't just look good, but makes selection a sinch . Size wise POLY- HEX is very similar to that of aluminium with the exception of size 11 which is the largest hex in the world . The strength of POLY-HEX has been achieved not just by the special formula of plastic but by the unique use of a centre rib construction . This gives the Hex both extra strength and minimal flex to assure that POLY-HEX will withstand the maximum force that can be applied to it in any lead climbing situation .

POLY-HEX is made in Australia using only quality materials and each batch under goes rigorous testing to insure the highest safety standards can be achieved.

The sizes are the same as the Chouinard/BD Hexcentrics

You can obtain these from John Marshall at JeeJo in Tasmania-He'll set you up. He says they are handy for sea cliff climbing because they float.


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