
Page Type Page Type: Mountain/Rock
Location Lat/Lon: 32.05693°N / 102.97962°E
Additional Information Elevation: 17339 ft / 5285 m
Sign the Climber's Log


It is the first time summit this mountain. And this mountain is not well know by westerners. It is one of the three secret-mountains in HeiShui county,Aba Tibeten region,Sichuan. The Korean team had planed to climb this mountain before but for some reason they didn't come back China.

Getting There

Bus from Chengdu/HeiShui in Chadianzi bus station and it takes about 7 hours(depends on the road condition and traffic condition) And rent a mini bus from Heishui to Deshiwo village,and start walk,you can stay in a local guide's Tibeten guesthouse for the first night(He's name is Luoluo)and the guy can guide you to the basecamp(anyway,it is so hard to discribe the trailhead.

Red Tape

Are permits required? No Are there any use fees or summit fees? You need pay 5usd for the nature conservation fee. Are there any seasonal closures? No Any rules for wildlife conservation or safety? We found bear footprint(we judge that was a group more than 4,but we didn't see them,so in winter,climbers must be careful. You can rent horses if you need,cost 15usd/per horse/per day.

When To Climb

The best season is middle Oct to middle Nov. Winter is often heavy snow.And in summer so much rain and lightning, too strong vortex on the mountain and no place for hiding,easy loss energy.


On the way from Tibetan guesthouse to the BC there are some hut but locked,you can camping everywhere if you want or you can. After BC,you'd better take a bivisack,because it very hard to find a big enough flat for seting your tent. camping charges no fee.only the 5 usd for the nature conservation fee.

Mountain Conditions

Because of the language problem,the local Tibetan people can not answer in English,you can Email me or call Shama:86-28-66861956.

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Shama Tziu

Shama Tziu - Dec 2, 2005 4:55 am - Hasn't voted

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The mini bus will go about 8 km far or more and stop in front of a Tibetan house(you will pass by a primary school).After that , walk along with the winding road(it is fit for small truck but some section damaged by flood),at the end of this road is a campland,you can see all of the three mountains there.Koreans always adapting here for first night(They call this place BC) This campland is a terrace on hill ridge,ahead the up way,turn left and down hillside,you will find a small pass,walk along the pass,you will get to real BC.I will attch two pictures for a view of the "BC" and real BC.
shama tziu--cesc's partner.

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