Barton Creek Greenbelt Additions and Corrections

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crl826 - May 4, 2020 12:51 pm - Hasn't voted

Access points link wrong.

Hey, I'm from Austin and have spent a lot of time on the Greenbelt.

You have a link to a site that says it lists all the access points, but it is missing one. And it has the addresses to them, but those are a bit misleading since they aren't "official" addresses. I've used this one in the past. It has all 8 access points and links to maps that can be used to drive or walk. Water levels too since that can close off some entry points.

Hope that helps.

Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - May 6, 2020 5:07 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Access points link wrong.

Hi, I appreciate the wish to help.

First, I have to ask if you are the writer of that page. If "CRL' are your initials, they match the first and last initials of the author. If you're looking to promote your own material and help at the same time, I'd rather you were up front about it.

I don't know if the addresses on that other page are correct or official, but the directions are pretty good and I like the order she presents the locations.

There are a number of errors on the page you refer to, and many of them are from a climber's perspective. They appear in several sections.

Loop 360:

I don't know anyone who refers to that spot alternatively as Lost Creek. What climbers and paddlers refer to as Lost Creek is the one your source talks about last.

"If you head right on the trail you’ll get to the Seismic Wall and Maggy’s Wall, the prime locations for rock climbing."

Seismic and Maggy's are the same location.

"If you head right, you’ll head towards the swimming including the Lost Creek."

Taking a left goes in the direction of Lost Creek, but it's several miles away. Twin Falls and Sculpture Falls are much closer, and most people access them from the Mopac entrance.


"If you turn right (south), you’ll hit the first climbing wall, Enclave. Keep heading south and you’ll end up at Seismic Wall."

Enclave is no longer open, or it is a disused name. Generally, climbers refer to the entire area as New Wall, though the first wall reached is actually Random Wall.

No one uses this access to get to Seismic Wall, as it is around 4 miles from there. The next area one reaches is Guide's Wall and the other spots at Gus Fruh. They are about a 30-minute hike from Spyglass.

Gus Fruh:

"If you head south you can hit the Urban Assault or Guide Wall climbing walls."

Guide's Wall is one of the cliff bands in the Gus Area, but one does not really head south to get there. Instead, one takes the switchbacks down to the beach or crosses from a different spur when the creek is dry. The former leaves the Gus walls just seconds away to the right, and the latter takes one directly to the walls. Heading south from the beach does indeed lead to Urban Assault.

Because of these inaccuracies, I cannot put a link to this source in the main page. Climbers using my page could literally get lost or spend way more time than necessary getting to their destinations.

crl826 - May 18, 2020 4:55 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Access points link wrong.

First off, apologies for delay in responding. I never received any notification that you had replied. Second, thanks for taking a look. I’ve helped moderate forums before and know what a thankless task it can be. Honestly, I didn’t expect a response at all. And definitely didn’t expect this very helpful feedback. I am the author and I do wish to help and make this the best source for Greenbelt access info. Hundreds of people have used it, perhaps hikers or swimmers instead of climbers, and that is why I haven’t gotten any corrections in the past year and a half. Either way, I’m going to review all of this and make all necessary updates. I don’t want to be responsible for putting bad information out. Thank you again for your time and effort.

crl826 - May 26, 2020 5:08 am - Hasn't voted

Made all your corrections and several other updates as well

As I mentioned before, I really appreciate the time you took to point out where I needed to improve my post ( Corrected everything you mentioned (and credited you for your help in the post), triple checked everything else, and added a number of other improvements that I had been thinking about already.

1. Updated directions to New Wall
2. Removed references to Enclave
3. Clarified Seismic Wall and Maggie’s Wall are the same thing
4. Updated the best access point to get to Seismic.
5. Updated Lost Creek to note that they are now charging for access (I could not find any other list of access points that mentioned this)
6. Made sure to include all the different names of all the different access points.
7. Made maps to the access points, climbing walls, and swimming holes

I really do want this to be the best list of access points on the internet. I’ve looked at a lot of other lists and can’t find one that is close. Of course, I’d love it if you would update the link you currently have. Your feedback made the list better and I thank you for it either way.

Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - Jun 4, 2020 8:40 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Made all your corrections and several other updates as well

Hey, I'm not ignoring you; I just haven't had a chance to sit down with this yet. I promise I will!

crl826 - Jun 21, 2020 1:52 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Made all your corrections and several other updates as well

Of course. I had no doubt. Thanks for your time.

Bob Sihler

Bob Sihler - Aug 6, 2020 6:45 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Made all your corrections and several other updates as well

I've been away a lot, but I finally added a link to your site on the main page. Thanks!

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