Punta Allochet Additions and Corrections

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Claude Mauguier - Aug 17, 2005 9:23 am - Voted 10/10

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As a first try, let's consider that a place name was usually linked with a special use of the land directly situated in the neighborhood of a peak, the latter being used only as an orientation point. "alus", "alos" is an old celtic name for a more or less 90 cm plant = Symphytus officinale (english : Common Comfrey, deutsch : Gemeiner Beinwell), usually growing on basic to neutral pH ground, up to 1500 m. So, that would show that meadows somewhere under that peak could be colonized by that plant, of which another variety : Symphytus tuberosum exists, more keen to accept slightly acid pH ground. The colour of the flowers rank from violet, pink, to bright yellow, as pH moves from basic to acid ground. Of course, there were particular medicinal uses of that plant, reasons for which such a place could be precisely named.

Allochet = allos-eg = place where allos grows. But this is only an hypothesis...

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