Nippletop Additions and Corrections

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JScoles - Nov 19, 2001 7:08 pm - Hasn't voted

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I have heard of the Troll of which you speak but never have I seen him or is it her?

I am usally there too early in the morning to see him as we all know troll spend most of the night doing evil so are never much araound early in the moring.

I understand he has a small amount of authority and loves to use it.


mtboy417 - Nov 19, 2001 5:07 pm - Hasn't voted

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There is a toll guy who sits at the gate on the Ausable Club Road. He's really ruff on hikers, so don't park where you shouldn't or not fill out EVERYTHING or take the wrong trail, cause he'll scream.


JScoles - Nov 19, 2001 7:08 pm - Hasn't voted

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I have heard of the Troll of which you speak but never have I seen him or is it her?

I am usally there too early in the morning to see him as we all know troll spend most of the night doing evil so are never much araound early in the moring.

I understand he has a small amount of authority and loves to use it.


ADKhiker46 - Apr 18, 2004 5:58 pm - Hasn't voted

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I have seen this idiot on numerous occasions! He seems to always just make me mad for some reason! And he absolutely loves to abuse his small amount of power. I'd say if you encounter him, just laugh and keep going.

P.S. If you find yourself in trouble with him for some reason and he shows you his picture of himself and Gov. Pataki, tell him it was a photo-op!


WalksWithBlackflies - Sep 21, 2005 10:42 am - Hasn't voted

Compass Deviations

I tried to bushwhack off the northeast ridge of Nippletop to Hunters Pass at the base of Dix. Both of my compasses were off by 90 degrees (east appeared as south). Since I didn't understand what was happening at the time, I abandoned the bushwhack. By the time I reached Dial, the compass readings were true.

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