Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Activities Activities: Mountaineering
Seasons Season: Winter

Mt. Washington Winter trip:

My son (24), Joe and his friend, Will (26) and I left from the lodge at 6:45 am overdressed and moving fast.  We took Tuckerman's to Lion's Head trial to summit, arriving at the summit at 9:45 am.  Approach was mild, winds minimal 10 to 20 miles an hour.  Lion's head to summit winds increased to approx 30 miles an hour, temp around 10 degrees. Sun shining.  Visibility at summit was very good.  We hired a guide at IME which we originally thought was overkill but ended up being extremely benefitial from an experience and education perspective.  Round trip time was 5 hours and 30 mins.   Spectacular winter hike, much different from my 2 other times up during the summer and fall.  


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