Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: May 22, 2012
Activities Activities: Hiking
Seasons Season: Spring

From Trail head to cathedral lake

Lota of snow still above the cathedral lake area, more like a scramble opnce to the top of snow field with large, rough scree slope. Unmaintained and hard to manage. Had the dog with me and he was having a hard time managing the slope. Once on the final acent, snow was patchy, and soft.

Postholing often made for slow trail time. Trail navagation was also very difficult due to the snow.

Cathedral Lake to Summit

Nice weather, no real wind, plenty of sun. Lots of run off, from the melt. Very busy on the summit, people and two pretty large marmots wetre heckling me and my dog shadow on the last 10-15 minutes of the climb. Gilmore lake and Lake aloha still mostly frozen over still. Going to need snowshoes and crampons for backcountry travle beyond the floating island trail. Great hike, will be even better when fully melted.


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