Mount Saint Helens Climber's Log

Viewing: 261-280 of 433

laurel - Jul 12, 2007 4:12 pm Date Climbed: May 13, 2007

Mother's Day  Sucess!

Went there for the first time for Mother's Day, that was a party... I went with a bunch of skiers from Women Climbers NW, but I walked/glissaded. Perfect weather -- cool and a bit of snow for the way up, sunny and warm near the top and for the way down (and for sitting by the car waiting for the skiers to stop messing around and get down).


tkoooooooooo - Jul 7, 2007 8:05 pm

catch up  Sucess!

i climbed this in 2004. right before they shut it down. It was a great trip. we went on the loowitt loop around the mountain...absolutely beautiful. then up to the summit. boy the cone has grown by now


RomaK - Jun 26, 2007 4:23 pm Date Climbed: Apr 15, 2007

Worm Flows Climb and Ski  Sucess!

Beautiful climb! 6 hours to the top from the parking lot at a fairly relaxed pace. Crater view was awe-inspiring! Fun ski down (to within 100 ft of the trailhead!)


Baarb - Jun 20, 2007 12:58 pm Date Climbed: Jun 14, 2007

Amazing stuff  Sucess!

Oh my goodness, stunning stuff, great views of Hood, Adams, and Rainier, not to mention the dome itself, wow!!!

Angela - Jun 12, 2007 8:17 pm Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2007

Monitor Ridge  Sucess!

Snow all the way from Climber's Bivouac. The ridge itself is clear but we steered clear and stuck to the snowfields. No crampons needed. Very windy with a heavy mist and even a few snowflakes. We made it to the rim but there was not much visibility. Glissading was great and all in all it was fun. We left at 7 am and returned at 3. Our group was large so we were slow moving.


thundercloud - May 25, 2007 4:48 pm Date Climbed: May 9, 2004

Worm Flows  Sucess!

Climbed several times, but nothing beats Mother's Day wearing a Euro techno punk outfit.


BSPclimber - May 15, 2007 1:08 pm Date Climbed: May 14, 2007

Worm Flows  Sucess!

With my friend Stuart and his g/f. Started at 7, summit by 12:30, started back down at 1:15, back by 3:30. Lost my glasses early on the trail, fortunately ran into someone that had a spare pair I could borrow, a real eyesaver. Beautiful clear day, a bit windy and cool on the summit, but on the way down it got quite warm. The glissades from the summit are first class, up there with the Mt. Adams glissade. An outstanding day.


binersrcool - May 14, 2007 10:08 pm Date Climbed: May 13, 2007

Mother's Day  Sucess!

Rain and snow until 6500' when we passed above the marine layer. Then clear blue skies and KILLER views!!!! and dresses :)

Garon Coriz

Garon Coriz - Apr 9, 2007 5:54 pm Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2007

Failed Attempt 2

On a whim, my pal and I set off from my house in PDX at 1:30 am. Made it to the Worm Flows lot at 3:30 am. We had to turn around at 6,200' because of white-out conditions. Got home at 1:30 pm.


pingzingr - Apr 9, 2007 1:48 am Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2007

Worm Flows to ?  Sucess!

I think we were there. Something about a white out on the summit. "Saw" the rim...but only the cornice and that was about it. We took on the longer range for our round trip to the top...about eight hours to the top and three back down. Good to get to the top but disappointing cause the day before was crystal clear and beautiful after Mt Hood.


Pawkala - Apr 2, 2007 9:02 pm Date Climbed: Mar 29, 2007

March Climb and Ski  Sucess!

Took advantage of the only Blue Bird day of the week and headed up to Helens. Took off from Marble Mountain Snow Park on backcountry skis at 8am amd arrived at the summit 6 hrs later. 5650 vertical feet later we enjoyed the view from the windswept top. Had a great ski down...all of that 5650 and straight to the car. 45 minutes down sure beats walking!


mow10 - Mar 17, 2007 6:36 am Date Climbed: May 14, 2000

Sick Snowboard Run  Sucess!

This mountain is the perfect angle to point your board downhill and forget about the brakes...just big sweeping puuurrrfect carving turns....ahhhhhh.


Krylon - Mar 1, 2007 1:29 am

St Helens

Ice prevented the last few hundred feet of gain

Karl Helser

Karl Helser - Feb 20, 2007 2:32 pm Date Climbed: Feb 17, 2007

Ice & Wind...  Sucess!

Had a great climb with Brian Jenkins up the Worm flows route. Snow was firm consolidated pack to 6500' where the rain from several days prior had turned to ice. Broke the crampons out and walked to the top. My guess, 50mph sustained winds at the summit. A bit treacherous climbing down with the ice cover till about 6000' where the snow had softened to "cream of corn". Broke out the snowshoes and floated back to the car.


littlefrantz - Feb 5, 2007 4:32 am


Turned back somewhere below the summit, due to supermarmot, who I will now refer to as the lovely friend who let his darling brotherly but completely unecessary concern for my wellbeing overpower his quest for summitpost power points (meanwhile, I was enjoying a 3000' half pipe). What a sucker.


supermarmot - Feb 2, 2007 7:34 am Date Climbed: Feb 1, 2007

no summit (damn close!) but good skiing

turned back at about 8000', thanks to littlefrantz, who i'll hence-forward refer to as @#$%$!


bc44caesar - Jan 28, 2007 2:22 am Date Climbed: Jan 27, 2007

Worm Flows  Sucess!

Drove down from Seattle in the morning to climb St. Helens, and ended up joining a group of three nice fellows at Jack's. I had trouble with my skins on the ice and had to boot a couple thousand feet of the climb. Skinned over to the true summit (I think) and descended. I chattered my way down the mountain on the ice, but skis made the descent quick. Bluebird day with unbelievable views from Jefferson to Baker. ~6.5hrs RT, 13hr door to door


RdyHiker - Dec 19, 2006 7:31 pm Date Climbed: Oct 11, 2006

A Huge Thumbs Up!  Sucess!

A last minute outing to take advantage of a great weather forecast. We bought our midweek permits the day before and were rewarded with a warm, sunny, picture perfect, windless fall day. Loved everything about this hike: scaling the lava boulder and ash fields, the outstanding views (Rainier, Adams, Jefferson, Mt. Hood, et al.), the lava dome, the views down into the crater... all of it! And it's the most unusual landscape (moonscape) and terrain I've seen in the NW. What amazed, and surprised, me most though was the sound the mountain made. We walked along the rim until we were away from the crowds to hear it fully: snap, crackle, pops; deep rumbles; the crash of crumbling rocks and loud cracking sounds as it shifts and moves. All very exhilarating and hard to tear away from. Can't wait to get up there again next year!


IceAxe18 - Oct 30, 2006 4:56 am Date Climbed: Oct 29, 2006

Monitor Ridge

My brother & I were going to climb today, but it was rainy, so we went to Windy Ridge & the Visitor Center. We had fun even though we didn't get to climb today. Plus yesterday we went to the ape cave & hiked around for a while.

Craig Nielsen

Craig Nielsen - Oct 29, 2006 3:37 am Date Climbed: Oct 20, 2006

MSH - Monitor B-day Hike  Sucess!

Great Hike! We had wonderful weather, great views but missed the collapse of Spine #7 by just a day. My 6 six pals sung happy birthday to me on the summit for my 42nd birthday. What a great memory.

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