Mount Princeton Climber's Log

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Foxy Long Bottoms

Foxy Long Bottoms - Jul 17, 2005 8:13 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: 7/17/05  Sucess!

Started the hike from the top of the road. We traversed the ridgeline. By doing so, we avoided lots of people and got to see some pretty cool views along the way. Anyone know what the peak is that you hike up first to gaine the ridge up to Princeton? Please let me know. Thanks. Oh yeah. . .# 23 for me too.


skiitswitch - Jul 14, 2005 7:59 pm

Route Climbed: Mt Princeton TH, East slopes Date Climbed: July 12, 2005  Sucess!

Started at 11,000 just above the radio towers. Ate breakfast on top of the 4WD trail at 12,500 and came back down to hike. There is only one spot on the trail that really requires 4WD and high clearance and is at the 2nd switchback above the radio station. Got to the top in 2:40. Prob the easiest 14er I've done. Trip report to come


doumall - Jul 13, 2005 2:49 pm

Route Climbed: East Slopes Date Climbed: July, 16 2004  Sucess!

23rd 14er!


CWFry - Jul 11, 2005 5:04 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: 7/9/05  Sucess!

Tell us, there's a lot of talus. Cheesus was with us though, so the day passed with many laughs.


shanrickv - Jun 27, 2005 12:40 am

Route Climbed: Mt. Princeton Trail Date Climbed: June 26, 2005  Sucess!

Another 14er checked off the list with good friend Alan. It was a beautiful day with some incredible cloud formations over the ridge between Princeton and Tigger Peak.


keenez01 - Jun 26, 2005 2:53 pm

Route Climbed: Grouse Canyon Trailhead Date Climbed: August 8, 2002  Sucess!

I took this trail instead of the standard route because I wanted something a little more difficult. The trail becomes very faint after a mile or two. I had a very hard time sticking with the trail. I ened up forging my own path that fallowed the ridge over Tiger Peak and eventually to the summit.

Foxy Long Bottoms

Foxy Long Bottoms - Jun 21, 2005 11:30 am

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: 8/04

Climbed this one interesting summer night after work. In the beginning of the hike, we encountered really warm weather, then wind, then lightning and then snow. I had to turn around about 500' from the summit. . .maybe less. But that's good because I made it back to Denver just in time to go to work the next day. Must do again but to the top this time! Another night slog would be good too!


drewcmf - Jun 9, 2005 3:19 pm

Route Climbed: East Date Climbed: October 2004

Solo night hike. Nice bivy in the forest.

climber514 - May 30, 2005 9:15 pm

Route Climbed: from radio towers Date Climbed: May 28, 2005  Sucess!

Nice day for a 14er...

Road will be passable to trail head in a week or two. A few snowdrifts exist 600 about yards up the road from radio towers. You don't need snowshoes on this one right now...

We left them behind...

Hiking takes you across 3 snowfields. Each snowfield was about 50-75 yards across. The third snowfield had slightly softer snow and you may posthole abit. Great area to practice self-arrest (esp. snowfields #1 and #2)...

This is a fun boulder hop for the most part. Would like to check out the old mine, at about 13,000ft... sometime. We saw about 7 people during the day.

Great shorter hike, with alot of stellar views.

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Apr 14, 2005 2:54 pm

Route Climbed: East ridge (normal route) Date Climbed: Summer 2003  Sucess!

Sweet Day!

easleygone - Apr 4, 2005 11:03 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: July 1992  Sucess!

This is such a huge mountain, I'm just proud to say I

stood on top of it!

Old Ickabod

Old Ickabod - Mar 31, 2005 10:23 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: October 2003  Sucess!

Solo Trip - Woke up at the butt-crack of dawn and drove from Parker Colorado to the trailhead. It was raining and I couldn't see much of the upper mountain,but figured I'd go for it. I parked at the towers and hiked for a while in the rain and mist. It was kind of fun and then it got better around 13,200 when the rain turned to snow. Yeeeeaaaaahhhh! It was a bit slippery on some of the rocks leading to the summit, but it made for a great photo.


Ratballs - Feb 21, 2005 9:40 pm

Route Climbed: from Radio Towers Date Climbed: August, 2001  Sucess!

From parking at the Radio Towers, I hiked up the road all the way to its end and consequently climbed the wrong damned mountain (Tigger Peak). I thought something was wrong when I topped out so soon and saw another hulking grey mass not a mile distant and a lot higher. Embarrassed? You could say so. After the Traverse of Shame, and on the eventual climb up to the (real) Princeton, I fell in love with a woman wearing neon orange running shorts who was climbing ahead of me. I chatted with her and her friends for a half-hour on top and never did ask her name. Bloody idiot.


ColoradoScott - Feb 3, 2005 12:43 pm

Route Climbed: East slopes/Mount Princeton Road Date Climbed: July 9, 1989  Sucess!

Another long haul up from the 8,900' base of the mountain without use of 4WD. It was a very hot day, with the sun relentless on the road. Not the most demanding or interesting climb tho'. I was a bit disappointed give the beauty of this mountain. The talus approach to the ridge was frustrating. Hopefully there is a constructed trail thru this loose area now.


Richrat - Jan 30, 2005 8:41 pm

Route Climbed: Mount Princeton Road Trail Date Climbed: July 2004  Sucess!

This was the classic weather example. Sunny and hot to start, storm comes in and sleet at the summit.


jhansen007 - Nov 1, 2004 3:18 pm

Route Climbed: Standard East RIdge Date Climbed: October 30, 2003  Sucess!

Climbed with Trevor (see below). Started at the 2WD trailhead. 5 hours up and 3 hours down. Not a ton of snow yet, but just enough to make you slip on every rock. Weather was awesome though, not a cloud all day.

Trevor Simmons

Trevor Simmons - Oct 31, 2004 9:53 pm

Route Climbed: Merriam Creek/East Slopes Date Climbed: October 30, 2004  Sucess!

It was a perfectly clear day. Round trip completed in 8:30 from the Frontier Ranch trailhead. We were the only climbers on the mountain. It was a great climb! Climbed with Josh (above).


csmcgranahan - Oct 31, 2004 6:33 pm

Route Climbed: East from Radio Towers Date Climbed: July 3, 2002  Sucess!

Second to summit on a great day! This is a massive mountain that seems to stand all alone when viewed from the valley near Buena Vista.

Brad Snider

Brad Snider - Oct 14, 2004 9:44 pm

Route Climbed: East Ridge Date Climbed: October 14, 2004  Sucess!

A fantastic, beautiful day with snowy scenery as far as the eye could see! Did not see another soul; had the mountain all to myself! I was going to go over to Tigger as well, but for some weird reason the altitude was bothering me today, and the snow-covered talus was getting a bit annoying as well. Not to mention I had parked at the base of the road, so I had a good long walk out.


mr_g - Oct 12, 2004 10:16 am

Route Climbed: East Slopes Date Climbed: September 11, 1999  Sucess!

Drove up the Mt Princeton road to the Radio Tower area the night before to camp. In the morning, we hiked the road, but missed the turnoff so we ended up traversing over Tigger Peak before getting back on route. A long slog over alot of talus made out legs really sore!

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