Mount Mansfield Climber's Log

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TiogaBradford - Sep 23, 2006 1:02 am

long trail  Sucess!

Climbed this mountain twice in the summer of 2004, both times using the Long Trail. I had great weather for both trips, and had fantastic views from the top. You could easily see the Adirondacks and the White Mountains, as well as the Champlain valley.


vapor0278 - Sep 8, 2006 3:24 am

long trail south  Sucess!

my wife and i loved this mountain. first succesful climb over 4000ft. we also did camel's hump 2 days later and found out 5 days later that she was 3.5 months pregnant!


moneal - Aug 15, 2006 10:46 pm Date Climbed: Aug 8, 2006

Long Trail / Auto Road Lot  Sucess!

Climbed up the Long Trail and the Chin. Was stuck in clouds at the top. Traversed over to the auto road parking lot where my wife was picking me up. Wouldn't you know the clouds cleared as soon as I got over there. Thought about going back, but nah... #24 on my state highpoint list


jpvt - Aug 6, 2006 11:26 pm

great hike for all seasons!  Sucess!

the sunset ridge trail at sunset is a must


rasgoat - Aug 6, 2006 11:23 pm

luvermont  Sucess!

been up many times but my favorite trail is hellbrook. relentlessly steep all the way with awesome views of the summit from the adams apple. the best hike in vermont!

did a nice snow ascent Nov. 5, 06. alot of snow!


musicmountain - Aug 2, 2006 1:32 am Date Climbed: Apr 19, 2005

snow climb  Sucess!

met a really nice couple from canada. clear skies


Enapai - Jul 23, 2006 7:21 pm Date Climbed: Sep 4, 1999

Sunset Ridge Trail ascent; Laura Cowles Trail Descent  Sucess!

Camped for Labor Day weekend at Underhill State Park. Busy day at the summit (because the weather was gorgeous).


Ilafan - Jul 20, 2006 6:43 pm Date Climbed: Jul 14, 2006

A free CD and everything!  Sucess!

After having to wait until 10:00 AM for the toll road to open (don't rich Vermont people get up?), we drove to the visiter center about 1.5 miles from the summit. A CD entertained us along the steep drive ("You're on it!"). The hike from the VC is pretty easy and was very crowded. The views were wonderful as the clouds were only brief and fleeting. Overall, a pleasant experience (good campsite at the State Park off 108, too).

royswkr - Jul 10, 2006 10:37 pm

June 1963  Sucess!

Stayed at Taft Lodge, loop to Nose

redmond - Jul 10, 2006 12:45 pm Date Climbed: Jul 9, 2006

Sunset Ridge Trail  Sucess!

Beautiful day out, a little hazy but amazing views. Saw very few people on the trail, but the summit was a little crowded with people coming from the toll road. Great mountain, definitely one to climb again.


Koonsy - Jul 9, 2006 4:07 pm

Route: Long to Profanity  Sucess!

very fun trail. Got hit with very strong winds as we got up towards the summit, what a blast. Atleast we didn't get much rain that day.


autoblock - Jun 8, 2006 6:23 pm Date Climbed: May 25, 2006

Not-So-Long Trail  Sucess!

I was primarily searching for Bicknell's Thrush, but hiked the Not-So-Long Trail up from the Stowe side on the first day the Green Mtn Club said it was OK. Mud below, snow above, and fresh moose prints on the trail. Found my thrush at the Taft Cabin turnoff, strolled to the Chin and returned. Had the whole mountain to myself. Roundtrip from car, 4 easy hours.


EastKing - Mar 29, 2006 10:45 am Date Climbed: Mar 28, 2006

Long Trail to Profanity Trail  Sucess!

Trip Report coming soon. Weather was great both the Chin and Adams Apple are unbelievable. Glad I brought my ice axe but I wish I brought my snowboard.


locationA_D_D85 - Feb 13, 2006 6:34 pm Date Climbed: Feb 10, 2006


BEst hike i have ever done_started on the 10th of feb. camped out in a lean-too at underhill state park woke up to an unbelievable clear day_started out on the SUNset Ridge to the CHIN from the CHIN i hiked longtrail to the forehead and then back down on the maple ridge trail_to the CCC road_that got boring really quick_ so a bushwack straight to the lean-too made it alittle more interesting_ camped out sat night where it was negative temps all night and then hiked out to the underhill center sunday morning__ will do again in the summer_


dobsonian - Feb 9, 2006 2:20 pm

Route Climbed: Sunset Ridge Date Climbed: February 7, 2006

Got some nice MSR snowshoes and wanted a chance to use them so I managed to sneak up here before a meeting at IBM but unfortunately was unable to summit. I arrived around 11A at the winter parking area, suited up, followed snowshoe tracks through the 6" of fresh snow up to the teardrop trail cutoff (saw snowboard tracks coming from there on the way out so someone had some fun!). I gave myself 3 hours to get up with the extra mile hike from parking and made it well above Cantalever Rock before I had to turn back. Bushwacked about .5 mile when I lost the blue blazes but knew the ridge from a summer climb and eventuallly got back on the trail. Turn around decision was made 2:45 in when I came across an explosed ledge with fresh snow and a little ice but no place to get a good hold and a good 1000' drop (just after you get to exposed ridge line on sunset). I bailed when I couldn't get the ice ax to find purchase anywhere, probably a good idea since I was on my own and blazing the trail. I figure I was 700' below the chin and maybe .6 miles horizontal, would have been a nice day at the top, bummer!


Alpinist - Jan 28, 2006 7:47 pm

Route Climbed: Teardrop Trail / Sunset Ridge Date Climbed: January 28, 2005  Sucess!

Hiked up the Teardrop Trail to the Nose then along the ridge to the Chin. Clear skies but hazy day. High winds above treeline. It was a fun snowshoe hike. This is my 13th state highpoint.


outdoors4sure37 - Jan 9, 2006 5:16 pm

Route Climbed: Butler Lodge Trail to Wampahoosuc? Trail to Long Trail Date Climbed: January 7th 2006  Sucess!

Hiked to the Forehead from Underhill and across the entire ridge to the Chin from there. Bitter cold and wind and very deep snow but gorgeous views on this clear winter day.


koz - Jan 2, 2006 11:18 pm

Route Climbed: From the West Date Climbed: August 31, 1996  Sucess!

Highpoint #3, with my wife. Can't recall exact trail, but approached from the less-busy West side. Word to the wise: probably best not to start a getaway weekend with a strenuous hike!


e-doc - Dec 31, 2005 11:42 am

Route Climbed: Octagon Date Climbed: Feb 27, 2003  Sucess!

In Stowe for a conference. Took ski lift to Octagon and hiked/snowshoed to summit. Panoramic and clear view. Perfect weather.


Holsti97 - Nov 8, 2005 3:06 pm

Route Climbed: Long Trail Date Climbed: June 25, 2005  Sucess!

Took the Long Trail with my 16 year old son Ryan. Nice hike, but didn't like all of the blue marks on the rocks marking the trail. Leave No Trace? Lot of people on the summit that day. HP #2.

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