Mount Hood Climber's Log

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Grampahawk - Jun 18, 2011 1:57 pm Date Climbed: Jun 17, 2011

awesome views  Sucess!

A 1 am start assured that we'd beat the crowds up the Hogsback and Pearly Gates. The sun came up on a Crystal clear day with bright blue skys. The sulpher fumeroles started to make me nauseous but the wind shifted and spared me any real discomfort. Had a nice ice scramble near the top of the "gates" and we had the summit to ourselves with fantastic views of Rainier, St Helen's, Adams, Jefferson and more. I was able to do several glissades, totalling about 1200 feet of elevation loss on the way down, adding to the fun. Topping everything off, Ralph Lauren was doing a photo shoot for their 2012 winter clothing line so there were many beautiful models hanging around the lodge, the Bruins won the title, and we were successful in climbing Mt Baker also!

Brian C

Brian C - Jun 16, 2011 11:47 am Date Climbed: Jun 10, 2011

Cascade Highpoints  Sucess!

Drove out from CO to climb Hood and Rainier. Warmed up with Mt. Hood on June 10th and climbed a variation of the old chute. The clouds came down below the summit ridge and cleared as we summited. It was nice to have the place all to ourselves. The next day we drove to Mt. Rainier and started up the Emmons glacier. We planned on staying at Emmons Flats but ended up staying at Schurman due to a blizzard/whiteout. After all parties but one peaced out due to weather we stayed another day and summited on June 14th on a beautiful but windy day. What a trip!


RhythmicMom - Jun 1, 2011 6:11 pm

Just an easy hike

I can't remember what we did on Mt Hood but I'm sure we did not climb the mountain. I think we drove up to some higher elevation and did a trail around the mountain. Don't remember anything strenuous - but I do remember the beautiful photos and the amazing summer wild flowers! Should go back and climb the mountain! :)


Levi - May 19, 2011 7:01 pm Date Climbed: May 19, 2011

First sucessful Hood solo  Sucess!

Couldn't have asked for a better day! The mostly full moon made the Palmer much less monotonous. The boot track was good apart from the final push up the Old Chute. I failed to solo it last year, so this was a good one to get!


Guero - May 16, 2011 4:27 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2003


Started out on Leuthold, but bad weather turned us back up standard route. Nice, but short day to the top.


mjp20k - May 15, 2011 9:52 pm Date Climbed: Jul 1, 1998

South Side

Standard route with two friends


mjp20k - May 15, 2011 9:51 pm Date Climbed: Jun 2, 1994

Leuthold Couloir  Sucess!

Three hours 45 minutes from base to summit


jackstraw0083 - May 5, 2011 2:31 pm Date Climbed: Jan 15, 2006

Old Chute Variation  Sucess!

Perfect day on Hood. Can't wait to get back there with skis.

Princess Buttercup

Princess Buttercup - Apr 25, 2011 11:53 pm Date Climbed: Apr 23, 2011

Standard Route  Sucess!

Incredible day. Carried the skis up to below the Hogsback, but stashed them due to ice-snow mix that just wasn't fun skiing. Late start = solo summit, but bluebird skies and a nice boot track from all the early-risers made for a great day! Be back to play on another route for sure!!

Karl Helser

Karl Helser - Apr 25, 2011 7:36 pm Date Climbed: Apr 23, 2011

First of the season...  Sucess!

Solo trip to the summit, first of the season. Perfect day for the climb. Very cold till I hit the summit where the sun was waiting...
Left the truck at 2:40am, hit the summit at 8:10am, took my time back to the truck because the weather was soooooo nice.


Monopole - Apr 4, 2011 11:55 pm Date Climbed: Mar 18, 2010

Great Weather  Sucess!

Excellent climb up the South Side (up the ski trails from Timberline lodge, via Hogsback and the Pearly Gates). Clear, blue skies and winds in single digits.


Ilafan - Mar 8, 2011 8:03 pm

Perfect Day!  Sucess!

Oh Hell no I didn't get to the top, but I don't care. Mt. Hood rules. It was July, and kids were snowboarding! I was in snow in July, and I was freezing my Minnesota ass off. Fabulous! Mt. Hood is so majestic and regal. The lodge was great, the views unbelievable, and the Pacific Ocean I waded in after the hike was splendid. Perfect!


weeds19 - Feb 24, 2011 10:38 am Date Climbed: May 29, 2003

Group Climb  Sucess!

We climbed up from Timberline and camped on the mountain just above the ski lifts. A quick glissade down was a highlight of the day!


brizza - Feb 18, 2011 7:37 pm Date Climbed: Jul 3, 2010

Old Chute  Sucess!

Climbed w/ Tim and Mike. Great day.


CarloMarx - Feb 13, 2011 2:34 pm Date Climbed: May 17, 2009

Turned away:(

Made an attempt with TMG...lots of ice and rock fall, so no summit. I'll be back!


bernardhohman - Feb 12, 2011 9:21 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2010

Finally  Sucess!

Finally stood on the summit after three tries--two by way of the Cooper Spur. A softball-sized rock nearly broke my shin on the Spur, so we climbed the south route instead. Beautiful.


triyoda - Jan 30, 2011 11:52 pm Date Climbed: May 16, 2009

Old Chute  Sucess!

Made the summit at sunrise. Only party that beat me to the top was a guided party that rode in the Snowcat. Nobody ever mentioned the sulfur smell.


LadyWawa - Jan 27, 2011 10:38 am Date Climbed: Sep 1, 2010

Live to Climb Another Day

My first attempt on Hood was not successful! I went the Southside/Hogsback way and there just wasn't enough snow! Turned back at the gates seeing as there was no snow to climb, only rock (which by the time I made it up there) was already bulleting towards me and denting my helmet with small and NOT SO SMALL rocks (i.e. large boulders). I considered going the alternate route from there but it was getting late and I decided that Mt. Hood and I would have a rematch some other day when I wasn't exhausted and pelted extremely. Also, by that time I had way too much fumerole exposure and I needed to get out of there.

But I will say this. There was absolutely nobody else on the mountain that day (even though it was clear) which was strange also. I anticipated it being very busy but I saw no one.


ZeeJay - Jan 26, 2011 5:13 pm Date Climbed: May 23, 2000

Rain  Sucess!

With MM. Felt like crap after an 11.5 hr drive to the trailhead. We were going to start at midnight but decided to sleep in the car until 3. We got virtually no sleep as it was one car door slamming after another all night long. When I signed the registration form at 4, people were already returning from failed attempts. We didn't get started until 4:45 in the drizzle and then steady rain. The wind was howling and there was no shelter from it whatsoever. A huge herd of people emerged out of the mist on their way down, having given up due to the bad weather. It stopped raining by the time we got to the Hogsback but everything was completely socked in. Crossing the bergschrund was trivial, but the ascent to the top was on very solid ice, but fortunately there were lots of steps and we were able to use the holes from other people's ice axe plants. It miraculously cleared up on the top and we had nice weather on the way down. At the bottom my feet were so soaked that I was pouring water out of my plastic boots.

Josh Lewis

Josh Lewis - Jan 12, 2011 5:01 pm Date Climbed: Jun 28, 2010

Old Chute  Sucess!

A bit of ice near the end, but with being careful I was alright. Would like to come back here one of these days.

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