Mount Garfield Climber's Log

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nathan.olds - Jun 3, 2024 10:29 pm Date Climbed: Jun 3, 2024

Hot day for two peaks  Sucess!

I followed a guide attached to Mt. Garfield and Mt. Arthur that led me up a gully by the Seven Bridges parking lot to connect with trail 667 "Cap'n Jacks", to to Loud's Cabin. This portion of the hike is easy. After Loud's cabin I followed the unmarked trail up a tributary of Bear Creek to the Saddle of Garfield and Arthur which was steep but easy to follow. I summited Garfield to the west first and finished on Arthur for a quick lunch. Neither peaks have a trail to the summit and involve bushwhacking and light scrambling. I looped back to the parking lot via the Seven Bridges trail. Decent traffic on the lower trails for a weekday but only one other hiker headed to the Garfield summit.

bgljohnson - Sep 25, 2023 8:45 am Date Climbed: Sep 24, 2023

Another local summit that needed climbing...  Sucess!

Had the mountain to myself on a perfect September day. Old summit log in the metal tube with the 1979 entries still there. logged 9.1 miles RT from Cheyenne Canon 4 way parking lot, up 7 Bridges. Route past Louds Cabin/Jones Park is straightfoward if you stay near the stream and head toward the saddle. Last 300 feet from the saddle was cairned but looks like many good options. Took about 3.5 hours jogging the flatter parts on the way up and jogging most of the way down.


crussellbowden - Jul 7, 2017 9:23 pm Date Climbed: Mar 20, 2017


This was a big goal of mine to triple bag Tenney, Garfield and Arthur (and Point 9800 I guess...) and it was such a thrill to knock them out.


dino61111 - Feb 7, 2015 2:22 pm

Up from Jones Park  Sucess!

From above Helen Hunt Falls to Jones Park up Bear Creek then off to Mounts Arthur and Garfield. I was to Jones Park several times, especially for the fall colors.


telemarkdude - Aug 4, 2013 8:44 pm Date Climbed: Jul 28, 2013

Garfield/Arthur Drainage  Sucess!

With Arthur and Kineo; started up Tuckaway Mtn but the weather came in and had to bail.


belexes - Jan 21, 2013 2:52 pm Date Climbed: Jan 19, 2013

Seven Bridges/Bear Creek  Sucess!

CMC trip. It was a beautiful day for a hike: sunny and not too cold. We followed North Cheyenne Creek/Seven Bridges Trail to Jones Park, then followed Bear Creek to the SW side of Garfield, where we left the trail and bushwhacked straight up to the summit. A few of our group then went over to Mount Arthur, but I had a thing that evening, so I was content with summiting Garfield only.

DWRich - Aug 22, 2011 1:50 pm Date Climbed: Aug 20, 2011

Finally  Sucess!

Beautiful day at top of Garfield and Arthur after finally finding someone to go with me. Did it from 7 Bridges Trail.


cftbq - Apr 7, 2011 7:17 pm Date Climbed: Apr 7, 2011

from the southwest  Sucess!

I just HAD to go back and find that darned register! Climb #3 and I finally got my name on it--I mean, *them,* since there are *two* registers in that old *metal* tube (one started in 1979 and one started in 1986). No WD-40 needed this time; the top screwed off beautifully and the inside was nice & dry. You can avoid the Class 3 *only* if you are prescient, since the timber prevents seeing very far ahead! Generally, divert to climber's right when in doubt. It looks easy from the approach, but this peak has some surprises for the unprepared. Also, views from the summit are *lousy* thanks to all the trees--hard even to see Mt. Arthur!

Brian Kalet

Brian Kalet - Nov 15, 2010 1:02 pm Date Climbed: Nov 13, 2010

5 Peaks  Sucess!

With "Runs-Down-Fast Mountain", "Tuckaway Mountain", Kineo Mountain & 8130.

Sarah Simon

Sarah Simon - Jan 30, 2010 9:30 pm Date Climbed: Jan 30, 2010

From Jones Park with Mount Arthur  Sucess!

Wow, if anyone wants to sign the summit register, you'd best bring WD-40. We couldn't unscrew the lid! Surprised that the foot path up the drainage to the saddle between Garfield and Arthur was so solid. The bushwack up the east slope of Garfield was a bugger in the snow with a small (2-person) team, though.


VermontMike - Aug 19, 2009 11:04 pm Date Climbed: Aug 16, 2009

From Tuckaway Mountain  Sucess!

Climbed this after Tuckaway Mountain, having missed summiting due to weather the previous week. The bushwhack from Tuckaway was straightforward, and there was some fun somewhat exposed scrambling up the northwest ridge. Descended down the drainage between Garfield and Arthur via a well-cairned trail, past Loud's Cabin and back to trail 667 (Cap'n Jacks).


pyerger - Jun 9, 2009 4:04 pm Date Climbed: Jun 13, 2006

Garfield to Arthur  Sucess!

Hiked in from Helen hunt falls, took the dogs, and hiked up the s.w ridge. The pooches did not like this route very much, but they made the climb. We then traversed over to Mt Arthur and back. I think it took about4.5 hours. Great day!


ElliottDavis - May 31, 2009 8:12 pm Date Climbed: May 31, 2009

Happy Me  Sucess!

I've been looking up at Garfield for years and now I've been there. Happy me. =)


davebobk47 - Nov 10, 2007 10:58 am Date Climbed: Nov 9, 2007

Nice and Quiet  Sucess!

Made this summit a combo with Arthur and Tenney Crags. The hike to Garfield was very enjoyable. I left the Bear Creek Trail a little bit earlier but the bushwacking was easy and I found myself on the saddle between Garfield and Arthur. A short easy climb from there. I had fun doing some class 3 climbing on Garfield. You could easily keep it class 2 if you choose. The summit register was started in 1979 and is only about 1/2 full!

53Peaks - Sep 29, 2007 5:43 pm Date Climbed: Sep 29, 2007

Route Climbed: South-East Gully to Garfield-Arthur Saddle  Sucess!

I don't think I saw anyone else who has taken this route, but I highly recommend it! It passes next to Louds Cabin, a waterfall, and the saddle between Arthur and Garfield (a nice, flat grassy plain). While the final ascent (from the east side of Garfield) is steep, it doesn't sound as bad as others posted about the western ascent. But I've never done the wester ascent so... who knows? Also, there is a fairly nice trail most of the way up this route... it starts to disappear about a quarter mile from the saddle. Finally, the Log is still up there... Still from 1979. Look for it! It's at the extreme top and there is a big metal rod sticking up out of the rocks where it sits. The canister itself is thick metal and a bit rusted so it does kind of blend in with the surroundings. Still, it has really preserved the logs well! Not like the cheap plastic canisters that bust easily and let water in.


wlstone - Jul 16, 2007 11:16 pm Date Climbed: Jul 7, 2007

Route Climbed: West Ridge via upper Bear Creek Valley  Sucess!

The register is still there, just hidden very well in deadfall. Weather was awesome all morning. This summit is unique to say the least.


cftbq - May 19, 2006 7:08 pm Date Climbed: May 19, 2006

summit? What summit?  Sucess!

I climbed Mt. Garfield. At least, I think I did. I found the highest point on the ridge after traversing several lower ones. My altimiter read an elevation higher than the accepted value for the summit. OTOH, I found no register, which was supposed to be there, and it jogged no memories of when I climbed it 30 years ago. Hmmm...I say "yes!"

squazzymoto - Aug 12, 2010 11:37 pm

Re: summit? What summit?

Same here, I am sure i made it, but could not find the register on Garfield.


shknbke - Jun 8, 2005 1:58 am

Route Climbed: traverse from Arthur Date Climbed: Dec 11, 2004  Sucess!

Made a long winter climb by combining 10'ers Tenney Crags, Arthur, and Garfield, making for a 11 mile, 4500' vertical day. The snow was managable until about 10K'. Very interesting summit register there, probably one of the oldest I have seen. I descended the steep south ridge, which was loaded with deadfall and rock outcroppings.


csmcgranahan - May 29, 2005 9:35 pm Date Climbed: May 28, 2005

Route Climbed: West Ridge via upper Bear Creek Valley  Sucess!

Serious bushwack above Bear Creek Valley. Summited via the west ridge which was rather cliffy in places and descended the south face via some boulderfields. Based on the summit register the summit is rarely visited. Great views of the Bear Creek Valley, Tuckaway Mountain and Pikes Peak.

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