Mont Blanc and Mont Maudit

Mont Blanc and Mont Maudit

Mont Blanc and Mont Maudit from the Tacul summit (by Contamine - Grissole Route)
on Jul 24, 2006 11:41 am
Image Type(s): Alpine Climbing
Image ID: 209905


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seth@LOKI - Jul 26, 2006 12:56 am - Hasn't voted

and I would love to climb/ski Mont Blanc

I visited Aguie du Midi in 2000. Awseome, on my list, too bad it is melting but I mainly want to go on the glacier routes in this case.


airtime - Aug 30, 2006 12:58 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: and I would love to climb/ski Mont Blanc

Climbing Mont Blanc is easy if you use the french normal route. Skiing Mont Blanc is more difficult. I advise you to follow the Cosmique route (down from the Aiguille du Midi) and climb Tacul and Maudit and then Mont Blanc. You should have a very light equipment, 40 m rope, one ice axe and crampons (you'll make quite all the ascent with your ski on your backpack). The normal french route for ski tour on Mt Blanc is too dangerous because of the seracs. If you like climbing on mixte route try the "Arete des Cosmiques", AD. Have fun !

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