Mayday Malefactor, 5.10c

Mayday Malefactor, 5.10c

3rd Pitch- 140’- 5.10c/The route offers a left hand variation here, but the right hand (original line) is much more appealing. Traverse out right via thin reachy edges past a few bolts until you are below a crack/shallow right facing corner. Very similar to Sweet Thin (which intersects Malefactor at this point), climbing this corner/flake could be the most enjoyable climbing of the day. Toward the end of the crack, make a balance move at the grade to clip a lone bolt on the slick face above. Make one or two delicate/thin moves for the grade to reach a real positive hand rail. Mount this feature and follow good cracks up and slightly right to a comfortable (significant ledge) fixed belay. Mayday Malefactor, 5.10c, 5 Pitches, Brownstone Wall North, Red Rock, NV, February, 2011
Dow Williams
on Feb 16, 2011 10:12 am
Image Type(s): Rock Climbing
Image ID: 699046


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