Ljuboten peak - East Face

Ljuboten peak - East Face

Page Type Page Type: Album
Additional Information Image Type(s): Hiking

Ljuboten - first day

Saturday - group of four mountaineers reached base camp under Ljuboten peak - night in tents - waiting for rest of the group next morning

Ljuboten - East - 001
small weekend houses over Rogachevo village

Ljuboten - East - 002
Ljuboten peak

Ljuboten - East - 003
Sunset over Shar mountain

Ljuboten - East - 004
setting-up our camp

Ljuboten - East - 005
quiet night under the moon and the stars

Ljuboten - East - 006
fool moon

Ljuboten - second day - climbing

Sunday - two groups merged together early in the morning and begin climb to Ljuboten peak - one group using standard route (south-east ridge), other - smaller group - using east face of the peak.

Ljuboten - East - 007
sunrise over Shar mountain

Ljuboten - East - 008
at the camp site

Ljuboten - East - 009
Ljuboten peak

Ljuboten - East - 010

Ljuboten - East - 011
Heading east

Ljuboten - East - 012

Ljuboten - East - 013

Ljuboten - East - 014
south-east ridge of Ljuboten

Ljuboten - East - 015
climbing east side of Ljuboten

Ljuboten - East - 016

Ljuboten - East - 017

Ljuboten - East - 018

Ljuboten - East - 019

Ljuboten - East - 020
last few meters under Ljuboten peak

Ljuboten - East - 021
view toward long ridge of Shar mountain

Ljuboten - East - 022
small break at the top

Ljuboten - East - 023
going down using standard south-east route


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