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mikecrouch - Oct 7, 2006 12:55 am - Hasn't voted

Have you considered adoption?

I would totally be willing to be adopted by you. I wish my parents took me to all those places! Now I'm stuck trying to pay for school, work, and try to pay for all my own climbing/hiking trips! Good article, I will keep this in mind when my time comes around!


Sharon - Dec 22, 2006 4:54 am - Hasn't voted

SUPER article, Scott!

I just took the liberty of posting your article's link on a literary / scince fiction site I'm active on: at least *several* people there will find your article of GREAT interest & value. We have wonderful memories of hiking & climbing w/ our young daughter. She is now age 24...and fittingly, her boyfriend proposed to her on Mt. Rainier earlier this year!


Archangl - Jan 30, 2007 11:42 pm - Hasn't voted


What a great article! It helped my wife and I believe that we can climb with our kid. We are starting our two year old on the climbing wall in a few days. He already climbs everything anyway. He might as well climb with an appropriate belay!


Chris - Apr 5, 2007 1:22 pm - Voted 10/10

Excellent Article

Excellent article, thanks Scott!

I'm actually planning to get my 1 year old out "camping" in the backyard in the next couple of weeks. He absolutely loves being outdoors and hiking... you're right about their natural curiosity for the outdoors.
- Chris

Pack Addict

Pack Addict - Jan 31, 2009 7:10 pm - Voted 10/10

That's amazing

That your children hike so far on there own without being carried, Last summer I took my daughter 3 and son 1.5 on a hike to Camas Lake, 6 miles round trip, I really thought they would walk more of the way there, My turns carring/backpacking them kept getting longer and there turns walking kept getting shorter. We made it to the lake and had lunch, They enjoyed that part as well as they found a few piles of snow to play in, The horse flys were pretty bad and the way back seemed to take a long time. After reading your article and knowing it can be done. I will continue to take them hiking, hopefully they will improve on the distance they are willing to go on they own.


SOCALHUSKER - Feb 19, 2009 2:39 pm - Voted 10/10

Nice article

Thanks for your input


scotthsu - Apr 30, 2010 11:02 am - Voted 10/10


Truly inspiring and an example we hope to follow!


Xertion - Oct 28, 2010 9:21 pm - Hasn't voted


I loved hiking and outdoorsy stuff before, but now that I have a 1 year old daughter I love it even more! I relate it to taking friends to Vegas. I used to live there so the simple things lost their wow factor (fountains, gardens, volcano.) When I saw the awe stretched across my friends' faces I felt like I was experiencing it for the first time again!
We started camping again 3 months after our first was born. We rented a backpack with high ratings and did 8 miles of slot canyons near Goblin Valley. Nothing technical, no summit, not a single avalanche in sight or huge story to tell but one of the best hiking experiences I've had. Just last month we did a 12K peak and loved every minute. We will have our second next year so its time to save for the Hilleberg 4 person!

I can't say enough about having the right gear.

Herding scouts for years, pace is key. The same is true while exploring with little ones. Expect double the time and twice the fun! With children, I'm forced to focus on the journey and not the destination. Our 1 year old hiked a half mile on her own and refused to let us hold her! She wore out after that and we turned back. I was more excited about the .5 mile than the destination! We just got her a toy tent to have in the living room. We set it up and she knew exactly what to do. She got all of her blankets, pillows, some snacks, all her shoes and put them in. She then took a nap in the tent. (I have yet to teach her the benefits of packing light.)

Good article! Keep it up.


jdw10 - Sep 26, 2012 3:35 pm - Voted 10/10

My boys

Great article. I hike with my boys (Cole is 9 and Taylor is 7) in the Wasatch. It is very interesting how different they can be. My younger son Taylor can go for miles while Cole breaks down much sooner. I've had them up everything from Grandeur Peak to Timpanogos. And it's so true how they enjoy the adventure more when the terrain becomes more difficult. I took them up White Baldy a few weeks ago and they loved the scrambling and exposure. Hopefully they continue to enjoy it so we can spend that precious time together. Because their dad seems to be in the mountains more and more every day!

frescaambi - Dec 4, 2019 4:47 pm - Hasn't voted

Missing 411

I have been learning about the Missing 411. I was wondering for you experience climbers that have kids or know when the small children went missing if they are capable of climbing these crazy heights. My boyfriend thinks that some of them are truly impossible but families that go hiking often I think their children are used to climbing crazy obstacles. Just would like some insight on hiking.

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