Goodsir Towers Traverse, IV, 5.4 Climber's Log

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Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Dec 29, 2012 5:45 pm

Re: Goodsirs

Bill..thanks for the thoughtful words...sry we did not make it out this past season....I will still come up for at least a month this summer...but spending a month or two climbing granite in Idaho this year...come see us before then if you want a break from the cold...cheers

Bill Kerr

Bill Kerr - Dec 29, 2012 5:15 pm

Re: Goodsirs

Dow - good for you to publish an honest opinion of the trip. Younger climbers often gloss over the difficulties, the risks and suffering as they dare others to beat their times or do it with less gear, etc. I suspect the description of "least pleasant trip" is putting it mildly and in the end - Some things are just not worth doing!
Competitive people have trouble backing away from any challenge - even if the challenge is as subtle as a "list".
I like a comment I heard - " After 50 you have nothing left to prove except how much fun you can have".
Take care

Dow Williams

Dow Williams - Dec 29, 2012 11:31 am Date Climbed: Aug 30, 2012

Goodsirs  Sucess!

I forget the exact dates, late August 2012. Perhaps my last big Canadian Rockies solo adventure. This was one of the least pleasant trips these past 12 years in the Canadian Rockies, bagging over 500 different summits. I have continued to devote more time into technical climbing in an attempt to save what is left of my skelaton. Was it my mental attitude that rates this trip one out of five stars? or the late season mosquito raid? or the jungle like alder approach? or the nerve wracking shattered limestone all along the west ridge of the South Tower? Who knows. Perhaps you will have a better memory of your Goodsir adventure. All I know is it took me four months to even publish it, posting some twenty different climbing objectives I did in between August and end of the year. Good Luck with it, I tried to be as precise with my memory as possible.

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