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seano - Oct 26, 2009 3:00 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Nice job

I approve of the pizza, but I don't trust my body to metabolize "gummy" in a useful way.


Luciano136 - Oct 21, 2009 2:42 pm - Voted 10/10


You should hit up Rick next time. He likes easy day hikes like this as well :-))


seano - Oct 22, 2009 9:23 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Nice!

I still haven't hiked with him, but his and Bob Burd's trip reports have been a major inspiration.


Misha - Oct 21, 2009 10:01 pm - Hasn't voted

Proud day!

Epic for sure. Good job! I ran from Shepherds Pass to the trailhead twice too. It is fun, even the "evil sand hill"


seano - Oct 26, 2009 3:08 am - Hasn't voted


Just to clarify, I was most definitely *not* running on the evil sand hill, and it hasn't been quite long enough for me to say that I was having fun. But if you're the kind of person who enjoys running down Shepherd's Pass, it would be good to meet you next season. Sierra Challenge?


Misha - Oct 28, 2009 2:00 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Thanks!

Sure - would be good to hang out and climb something next season. I intend on "peaking" my physical shape by June :)

Unless you want to try NE Ridge of Williamson this winter ehe. I cannot find partners yet (they are smarter than me)


seano - Oct 30, 2009 5:14 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Thanks!

Tempting, even with the long drive back out to CA, but I don't have the gear/skills at the moment to do that in winter. Maybe next spring, if I do enough snow stuff to be ready for it.


climb4life - Oct 22, 2009 5:57 pm - Voted 10/10

Nicely done!

Two questions. You mentioned two people Doug and Kurt. Was that Doug from the Whitney Portal Store? Was that Kurt Wedberg from SMI?


seano - Oct 26, 2009 2:55 am - Hasn't voted

Re: Nicely done!

Yes to both.


piotrowski - Oct 22, 2009 9:34 pm - Voted 10/10

Very Impressive Effort

Mid-summer, Doug Thompson had told me about a guy from the Forest Service that had done a Sierra Challenge In-A-Day. A few weeks later, I had a chance to talk to Marty Hornick. Among his exploits: 2:08+ up the MR and Mt. Tyndall to Mt. Langley in a day, tagging 15 peaks along the way. He told me it took him about 20 hours. (You might be able to get route info from him if you can figure out how to get a hold of him.) (Bob R could probably provide you with some great info on getting from the Wallace Creek drainage to Tyndall in a hurry.)

I wanted to try and do this with a very light overnight pack this past summer, but now I'm glad I didn't. Your route makes a whole lot more sense. It will be a "lot easier" to head down Shepherd Pass, and Cottonwood Lakes TH to Langley is a stroll compared to it.

You've had a very impressive summer...


seano - Oct 26, 2009 3:13 am - Hasn't voted

The bum life...

Thanks -- unemployment has its advantages.

I guess it would be straightforward to add the Major General, McAdie, Marsh, some of the Whitney pinnacles (Keeler, etc.), Barnard, and Trojan (if you cut straight through), but this is already a really long day, with plenty of cross-country travel. I'll try to get in touch with Marty Hornick to find out some details.


Daria - Oct 23, 2009 12:31 am - Hasn't voted


Sean, you amaze and inspire me, and that is one hell of a crazy undertaking. I remember when we were doing williamson/langley dayhikes in one weekend, and then you helped me get up some of those freaky sections on Bear creek spire when I wasn't accustomed to such exposure then, and then watching those large rocks fly down the chute (and start smoking) on middle palisade and going over kearsarge pass late night on our way back from clarence king in the rain and stopping to take pics at the sign with demonic grins on our faces, in a true dayhiker manner of doing things. Those were some of the best hikes!

I am so sorry we weren't able to do more peaks this summer and I wasn't available due to my car problems and some old injuries. I am planning on a major comeback and a very big summer in the sierras next summer. So more madness is sure to happen soon.


seano - Oct 26, 2009 3:16 am - Hasn't voted

Aw, shucks...

IIRC the burnt rock was on Tyndall, which makes a much better bowling alley. Stay well, stay in shape, and save some money, and next summer should be awesome.


RickF - Oct 27, 2009 7:48 pm - Voted 10/10

Beyond Impressive

I would not have imagined anyone could cover so much Sierra terrain in one day.


seano - Oct 27, 2009 11:19 pm - Hasn't voted


During his 14er speed record, Hans Florine did Langley to Tyndall successfully (skipping Williamson and with a bivy) in about 24 hours. My guess is that my route was 35-40 miles, over half of which was on trails. It's mostly a matter of endurance rather than speed, so if you can jog some of the trails, it's not as hard as you might think.

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