Enchantment's NE summit from...

Enchantment's NE summit from...

Enchantment's NE summit from the southwest. The completion route is thus: you climb it from the south side (right skyline here), eventually scrambling up boulders to a minor notch just below the west side of the final boulder. You can then complete the climb by traversing right on slabs (10 feet of Class 4 traversing) or by going left up a depression in the rock (10 feet of Class 4 up-climbing). I went to the right on the ascent but didn't like the looks of reversing it on the way down so I went down the left way. All told, the left way is easier and recommended. Probably most people do it that way anyway. The depression wall just looks harder than it is from below. Oct. 2, 2004.
on Oct 8, 2004 2:20 pm
Image ID: 72945


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