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hansw - Jan 10, 2011 3:32 pm - Voted 10/10

Good and Bad

Good that you came back alive and bad to go without enough experience and route research. “If in doubt keep to the left.” Good reading - and good luck the next time when you have gained more mountaineering experience and knowledge.


[X] Bird

[X] Bird - Jan 15, 2011 1:56 pm - Voted 10/10

Good lesson

This is bound to happen to most alpine climbers someday, and it is a good lesson in humility. Its how you learn, be glad you live to tell the tale.
It happened to me two years ago when I had to turn around on the Salbit, a granite mountain in central Switserland. Me and my partner had decent experiece climbing limestone and gneiss, but not granite.. At some point we were scared shitless and bailed. I bailed before, but that was because of bad weather, the climbing taking to long etc. This was the first time I bailed because I was scared. I hope this is also the last time that it happens to me.
A good starting point for gaining experience and knowledge is an alpine club (German or US) that offers alpine climbing courses.

Being a succesful climber has to with surviving the mountain, the summit is just a bonus. Good luck!


Corvus - Jan 25, 2011 2:54 pm - Hasn't voted


If you didn't read it yet, I recommend this book The Climb up to Hell by Jack Olsen.
Cheers, Gabriele

buckywheats - Feb 24, 2011 12:09 am - Hasn't voted

I remember this..

Thanks for the comments Corvus, Bird, and hansw.

I'm the friend Zane on this trip. This trip report is a pretty accurate reflection of the wave of emotions that overcame us on even the easy sections of the west ridge.

All I can add is that we WILL be back. It's just a matter of time.


markhallam - Sep 11, 2011 1:04 am - Voted 10/10

A good learning experience

It is good to see an account of a trip going wrong - thanks for including it. If you go back up there you'll prepare yourself better - but your TR will maybe help make sure others don't go and get into difficulties.
You may be interested to know I have created an Eiger West Flank route page - and I have attached your TR as 'related'.
Best wishes, Mark

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