Dropdown Help: Posting Guidelines

Posting Guidelines

As a basic rule, if you think your post is over the top, it probably is, and it will be swiftly deleted. Specifically, the following will not be tolerated on SummitPost:
  1. Personal Attacks and Insults: Criticism is okay. Just make sure to criticize the person's submission or opinion, not the person.

  2. Hate Speech: Racist and sexist posts will not be tolerated.

  3. Advertising or Spamming: Commercial advertisements are not welcome on SummitPost. If you stand to make money from someone acting on your post, it is probably going to be deleted.

  4. Obscene Posts: A few colorful words are fine, but refrain from anything too crude or overtly sexual.

SummitPost reserves the right to remove the above posts without notice. We also reserve the right to take any actions we deem appropriate to ensure the site is not disrupted or abused in any way. Please review the SP Terms of Service for additional information.