Dropdown Help: Page Edit Buttons

Bold and Italics -- As you create your page, try to limit your formatting html to bold and italics. Though you are free to use other html, SummitPost discourages it, as we prefer to preserve a consistent look throughout the site.

H2 -- H2 code creates subheadings for your page. Subheadings will also appear in your page's table of contents.

H3 -- H3 code creates sub-subheadings for your page. Sub-subheadings will also appear in your page's table of contents.

Insert Image -- Add an image within your body of text. Inserted images are not added to your attached images list.

No Format -- If you need to include significant chunks of HTML code within the body of your text, use the noformat tag/button to direct the server to NOT transform newlines into <br>s for that chunk.

Insert Link -- Add a link to another page on the web (on SummitPost or elsewhere). Be sure to replace "URL_HERE" with the page's address, and "LINK TEXT HERE" with the appropriate text.