Cottonwood Ridge Classic (1976)

Cottonwood Ridge Classic (1976)

This picture of Utah's Red Pine Lake(s) has intrigued me for the past 33 years. This is looking north from the ridge-top (10,660') south of the lakes. (Please bear with the coloration of the photo, as it was taken 33+ years ago.) The awesome "ridgeline" in the background is called Cottonwood Ridge. It divides Little Cottonwood Canyon from Big Cottonwood Canyon. If anybody can identify any of the other features, please do it. A traverse can be done of Cottonwood Ridge, but I was always satisfied to look UP at Cottonwood Ridge (from the south) with my mouth wide open. Of course, if you open your mouth here in the summer, you might have a few mosquitoes come inside to say "HELLO." Other than that, the views are fantastic, and you can also continue west on this ridge to encounter 'The Pfeifferhorn.' (Scanned from 35mm - taken in July 1976)
on Jul 31, 2009 10:30 pm
Image Type(s): Hiking,  Flora,  Informational,  Scenery,  Humor,  Water
Image ID: 535512


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