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Kane - Mar 1, 2009 11:35 pm - Hasn't voted


Hi Athos. The Spires is a local favorite of mine. I was actually over there today shooting sunrise across the valley up around the Chair Rocks area. Not exactly sure what route you used on the upper block area. If its a route that's marked by the pink ribbon, then consider that route class 3. I don't want to come across as trying to minimize your efforts because there are a few lines up that block that require an occasional, low class 4 move, especially if ya'll went directly up from the saddle. That class 3 route begins at the saddle but traversesa bit to the northwest, then ascends up to the block. It skirts alot of the cliffy stuff right above the saddle.


Athos791 - Mar 2, 2009 1:10 pm - Hasn't voted

Re: Hi

Hey Kane,
We didn't follow the pink ribbons. My climbing partner has climbed these peaks a bunch and said that route skips all the "fun stuff." We went directly up from the saddle .

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