Casaval Ridge Climber's Log

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mtndonkey - Jun 26, 2011 11:23 am Date Climbed: Jun 25, 2011

Awesome Route  Sucess!

Truly a classic climb. The 11k camp is the best way to go if the winds aren't howling. Travel light and carry your camp with you and you will be back to your car in no time.


jpsmyth - May 12, 2011 1:18 am Date Climbed: May 3, 2011

Perfect weather  Sucess!

Great climb, great weather with Sid


rhyang - Dec 20, 2010 11:18 am

2006, 2010  Sucess!

Snowcamped on ridge @ 10300' in June 2006 after big late-spring dump. Snowcamped around the first window in April 2010. Love the Catwalk !


Nefsek - Nov 12, 2010 6:31 pm Date Climbed: Apr 1, 2009

Bailed due to Nuking.

Nuking + Wind snapped my Trango 2 in half. Bailed and drank beer instead.


theAxeman - Jan 3, 2010 11:09 am

Ridge only

Last completed, solo during May, 2007. Only climbed the ridge; I've climbed this thing before and don't need much more experience on Misery Hill and the slog across to the summit.


SKI - Dec 26, 2009 12:24 pm Date Climbed: Mar 10, 2009

Favorite snow ridge ever  Sucess!

Done in a single day, my fifth time on Shasta. I Love this mountain.


soslaw - Aug 1, 2009 2:56 pm Date Climbed: Jun 1, 2004

Casaval Ridge

Climbed with Andre and Marta. Third time was a charm. Weathered out on successive attempts 2 previous weeks. Cold and windy on Misery Hill and the summit. A horde of climbers ascending Avy Gulch. Descended via Avy Gulch and traverse to regain Casaval high camp.


WML - Jul 30, 2009 2:02 am Date Climbed: May 9, 2009

fun  Sucess!

great conditions


rlshattuck - Jul 6, 2009 7:29 pm Date Climbed: May 8, 2009

Finally  Sucess!

Excellent weekend with no more weather than a little (okay, a lot) wind. Camped below the hourglass. Up and kicking steps at 3 a.m. and hit the summit by 11:30


Blackmouth - May 25, 2009 2:29 pm Date Climbed: May 20, 2009

First Timer  Sucess!

This was my first time up Shasta and I was fortunate to be able to climb with Forjan & Mdostby, who have summited Shasta multiple times. We were the only ones on Casaval Ridge that day.Roundtrip was a few minutes over 12 hours. I look forward to climbing this route again.


kovarpa - May 2, 2009 2:28 am Date Climbed: Apr 19, 2009

nth time...  Sucess!

Up Casaval with Vendula and Michal (start 4.30am, summit 12.30pm), ski down West Face, with an injury accident at the bottom of WF (Hidden Valley). Epic to get out.


junoiceclimber - Apr 30, 2009 4:02 pm Date Climbed: Mar 19, 1996

"I'll be back"

Shut down at 10 thousand due to good and stormy conditions.


PellucidWombat - Apr 27, 2009 7:15 am Date Climbed: Apr 26, 2009

3rd Time's a Charm!  Sucess!

I tried to dayhike the route twice before, failing due to an oncoming cold and a freaky windslab. This time I was successful despite bruising my ribs the day before. Excellent route!


PrestonRhea - Apr 18, 2009 9:32 pm Date Climbed: Apr 17, 2009

Casaval  Sucess!

Fun route, gorgeous views, beautiful weather. Could I have asked for more?


Shon - Jan 22, 2009 1:09 pm Date Climbed: Jan 18, 2008

Just not enough time

Me and my buddy set up camp at the first window and woke up early for a good alpine morning start but we were moving to slowly to make it to the top. Oh well there is always this year... mmmm maybe in February or March? I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for good weather and low avy danger!!


kovarpa - Jan 21, 2009 10:32 pm Date Climbed: Jan 18, 2009


I have never seen Casaval so bare of snow... we were still able to connect the snow fields by weaving left and right. Started around 6am, got to the top of the ridge where it connects to West Face/Catwalk around 11.30am and called it a day due to high winds. Skiing West Face was an epic between 13k-11k due to icy bumpy surface. Below that skiing was decent. All in all a good day in the mountains.


highcamp - Nov 27, 2008 1:06 am

Winter ascent, nice tumble on the descent

3 of our friends got caught in a major storm on the mountain attempting a winter ascent the year before - which thus gave us the idea to try it in winter the next year. Casaval is a beautiful climb. We approached while the upper half of the peak was wrapped in a storm and so setup a high camp at around 10K ft. Summit day turned out to be perfect (I believe it was Dec 31, but I forget). Descending from our high camp the next day, we decided to glissade into the bottom part of Avalanche Gulch. I began the glissade with my SLR camera under my arm and soon needed to roll to that side to arrest the human-toboggan I'd become (all while protecting the camera). It didn't work, and soon I hit a lip and started cartwheeling. Not wanting to impale myself with my axe, I threw it to the side, knowing that the slope would eventually mellow out. Still, I tumbled for about 400 vertical feet down a decent angled slope. Yup, lost a lot of skin on that one. But I did eventually come to a stop. And the camera survived.


Bonesaw - Jan 11, 2008 9:10 am Date Climbed: Apr 10, 2004

Early Spring Ascent  Sucess!

This was my first foray into the world of mountaineering and I loved it. We had great weather and enjoyed a beautiful, if not a little cold, summit. I'm hungry for more!


Carbo - Aug 15, 2007 4:32 pm

Casaval Ridge  Sucess!

Did an ascent in winter coniditons of Casaval ridge.


NewDayRising - Jul 11, 2007 12:10 am Date Climbed: May 14, 2007

AG-CR-WF Variation

Route: Avalanche Gulch-Casaval Ridge-West Face Variation

Solo. This year Mt Shasta had very low snowfall vs the average.
Left Horse Camp at 0800. Ascended AG to about 9000 feet then gain CR (1130). Stayed on CR til about 10500 feet, then traversed over to WF variation. (Stopped about 100 feet below Red Colored Rock /Red Banks elev (1600) then glissaded WF variation. Descended past horse camp. Had to backtrack and traverse over a couple minor ridges to get back to camp. Too tired to check watch or eat dinner. (Guessing on the elevations). I had fun none the less, and got a good survey of the other routes.

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