Boarding Lost River Peak

Page Type Page Type: Trip Report
Location Lat/Lon: 44.03845°N / 113.65547°W
Date Date Climbed/Hiked: Apr 17, 2016
Activities Activities: Mountaineering, Skiing
Seasons Season: Spring

Unnamed Image
Lost River Peak Super Gully

The original goal of this trip was to summit the 6th highest peak in Idaho, Lost River peak. It ended up just being a fun climb and a spectacular 2,400 foot corn snow descent. Getting into Mackay late the night before (darn work) got us starting our climb a little later then anticipated. The first part of the climb was route finding through the trees, but once we popped out at the tree line the giant super gully showed us the route. We strapped on the crampons and headed up. It was quite possibly the most beautiful day I've ever had in the Lost Rivers. Not a cloud in site, windless and perfect 50-60 degrees. I forgot to sunscreen the inside of my nose. Sun reflection bad. It was a surprisingly busy day on this peak. A total of 8 of us and nobody went for the summit. Please please please.. If you have a yippy little dog, don't bring him. I like dogs, I bring my dog, but he doesn't bark. Nobody does these backcountry climbs to listen to a dog bark the whole way. Thank goodness this person could only skin up so far they had to turn back. Reaching the false summit just above 12,000 ft the ridge line comes into site. This ridge happened to have a huge cornice! I think if we'd had more time we would have gone out further to see if we could do it, but we decided to chill, drink some scotch and then have the best descent ever. I honestly can not wait to come back and do this again, and hopefully make the last 43 vertical feet to the summit. 


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